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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
SCG gets GO North! Account
Go North! is a collaboration between the University of Minnesota, Arctic research scientists, explorers, students and teachers across the nation.
In February 2006, an international team of educators, scientists and explorers will embark on a two-month, 700-mile crossing of the Alaskan Arctic by dogsled. The team will transect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to bring to focus the prospects of oil exploration, while ascertaining the realities of global environmental change in the region.
Although the journey itself is impressive, the purpose of the program is to engage students and teachers in a unique educational, scientific and cultural journey of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. An extensive, free online education program will give K-12 students the opportunity to comprehend traditional and contemporary life in remote Arctic communities, emphasizing the effects of environmental changes.
This is the second expedition that SCG has helped the team members of GoNorth! with. SCG handled media relations for Arctic Transect 2004, gaining extensive media coverage and winning a Minnesota PRSA Classics award for best nonprofit media relations program.
Read the Business Journal story by Nicole Garrison-Sprenger here.
Transition to a New Year
As many predicted, 2005 showed tremendous growth for Podcasting here in Minnesota and elsewhere.
In addition, as more Internet users subscribed to broadband Internet connetions, 2005 saw the evolution of vlogs. 2005 also witnessed the spamming community jump aboard the blogging revolution with the creation of splogs.
What will 2006 hold for blogging? I think it is safe to assume that blogging will continue to evolve and become more sophisticated as is does. RSS will take blogging to the next level as we see programs like Outlook integrate it into their e-mail software. will be here to report on events as they happen.
What about PR?
But what about in the PR community? In 2005, we saw the invention of , we saw PRSA president and CEO Judith T. Phair testify in front of a Senate Committee on video news release legislation and we, as the PR community scrambled, to come up with a coherent response to the question "What constitutes PR?".
In 2006, I would like to see the PR community here in Minnesota , so that everyone will have a better understanding of what we are talking about when we say that we practice public relations.
The Wiki Experiment!
In an effort to define PR, I have developed a brand new website known as a Wiki. For those of you that don't know what a wiki is it is defined by Wikipedia as a website that allows users to add and edit content and is especially suited for constructive collaborative authoring.
Through the use of this new wiki I hope to get your sense of what it means to practice public relations.
Remember this experiment will only work if you choose to participate so let get going. Put your thinking caps on and help me come up with a definition for public relations.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The rise and rise of corporate blogs
Also referenced in the article was, a Swedish run Web site, that discusses some critical elements to consider before or while starting a Corporate Blog.
Not to be out done by its competition, also ran an article yesterday on IBM's approach to Corporate Blogging. Here is an excerpt from that article:
According to a study by compensation specialist and Time Warner's (NYSE: TWX) America Online, about 45% of respondents report goofing off online at work, with the average worker wasting more than two hours (not counting lunch). Companies, in general, expect some slacking off, but their estimates have been more like one hour per day. So these extra hours are costing more than they thought -- according to the study, the lost productivity is valued at up to $759 billion. Yikes.Find these Corporate Blogging articles and many more at your source for .
That should be enough motivation for some companies to unplug all of their employees' computers. But wait -- there are some upsides to time spent online, too. Just ask IBM(NYSE: IBM).
I (Selena Maranjian) recently wrote a short piece about "The Business of Blogging," where I mentioned, among other things, that "Some CEOs are finding blogs valuable in their operations. According to a article, the fifth annual 2005 PRWeek/Burson-Marsteller CEO Survey reveals that ... '59% of CEOs said blogs are useful for internal communications, and 47% said blogs are effective for external audiences.' Companies with corporate blogs include IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Verizon(NYSE: VZ), and Microsoft(Nasdaq: MSFT)."
After it was published, I heard from Brian Doyle, director of Corporate Affairs for IBM, who wanted to share how (and why) IBM was using blogs and "new media." I thought some readers may be interested, since IBM is venturing into areas where other companies are sure to follow. So here are some of his points. See what you think.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Tunheim Partners announces Blue Cross and Blue Shield as new client
Tunheim Partners, a Minneapolis-based public relations and public affairs agency, announced today that the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation has selected the agency to assist in developing policy initiatives for the Foundation. The agency will create recommendations for strategic policy efforts related to four social determinants of health: social connectedness, housing, environment, and early childhood education and development.
The purpose of the Blue Cross Foundation is to address issues that will create a healthier future for Minnesota. As the philanthropic arm of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, the foundation addresses significant influences on health that are beyond the traditional reach of the health care system.
Fleishman-Hillard promotes Hanvik to Senior VP

"We interviewed a great many talented candidates, both internal and external,” said Fleishman-Hillard Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John D. Graham. “In the end, we unanimously agreed that Bob brings just the right combination of qualities to this position – outstanding client dedication, impressive communications experience as both counselor and client, and an intense commitment to developing and supporting staff.”
Hanvik replaces Frank Parisi, who stepped down from the general manager post in August 2005 and who remains with the firm as a senior counselor.
Hanvik joined Fleishman-Hillard in March of 2005 as a senior vice president to lead the healthcare practice in the Minneapolis/St. Paul office.
Prior to joining Fleishman-Hillard, Hanvik served for five years as senior director of global public and media relations at Medtronic. There, he managed marketing public relations, financial, and issue/crisis management programs throughout the world, with an emphasis on Europe, Asia, and Australia. Before Medtronic, he spent 15 years in public relations on both the corporate and agency sides, specializing in consumer, technology, healthcare, financial communications, and sports marketing.
Hanvik, a native of Minneapolis, is a graduate of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., with a degree in journalism and minors in business administration and international economics. He also has a certificate in advanced journalism studies from the London School of Journalism. Hanvik serves on the boards of directors of the Minnesota Literacy Council and Stages Theatre Company.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Russell $ Herder hiring
Ideal candidates will have PR or agency background, proven track record in media relations and ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects/accounts. Must have a Bachelor’s degree minimum, strong agency experience, a commitment to deliver client ROI and the ability to generate creative results within a team environment. You must be entrepreneurial, a self-starter with excellent written, interpersonal, project management and presentation skills. We are looking for someone who is resourceful and detail-oriented.
Get the details from
Friday, December 16, 2005
2006 Minnesota PRSA Officers
President: Gail Liebl, APR
Vice President: Rose McKinney, APR
Treasurer: Anna White Lovely, APR
Secretary: Janice Hennings, APR
Director: Pam Fricke, APR
Director: Anne Hendricks, APR
Director: Sean McDonnell, APR
Director: Jennifer Bagdade, APR
Ethics Officer: Theresa Palmersheim, APR
Also continuing their terms on the 2006 board of directors are:
Immediate Past President: Shireen Ghandi, APR
Director: Kevin O'Connor, APR
Director: Candee Wolf, APR
PSB looking for interactive developer
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Public Relations Vice President/Senior VP at Weber
Candidates should have at least 15 years of experience, including 3 – 5 years of agency experience. Ideal candidate will have strong managerial and supervisory skills, and corporate background and experience in issues and crisis management. Excellent strategic thinking and planning skills are required, in addition to a strong background in exceptional client service. Candidates must have superior communication skills, both verbal and written. Experience with mentoring and developing junior-level employees is required.
Get more information from click here.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Changes at KARE 11
That's right, technologies like TiVo, that allow viewers to skip commercials, have finally taken its toll on the television community with the introduction of advertainment. An advertainment is basically a glorified infomercial. Minnesota Public Radio explains:
What will this meaning for local television? As if the lines between public relations and advertising weren't fine enough this should really confuse people. What do you think?
This spring KARE will be the first in the nation to convert its into a long-running commercial, called "Showcase Minnesota." You'll see anchor hosts sitting in comfy chairs, with guests snuggled next to them, to talk up the latest in food, fashion and gadgets.
Guests will pay to be on the new show and the anchors will act like inquisitive hucksters.
"It's the reality of the business that is in a volatile state of change and fluctuation," says Roxane Battle, who has co-hosted the soon-to-be cancelled KARE 11 Today show for five years. She doesn't like the format change, but she understands why her station is switching to a talk show that's pure advertising.
"Revenue," she says. "It's no secret. Eyeballs are evaporating from television screens. They're going to the Internet, and that's affecting the bottom line."
Get the rest of the Minnesota Public Radio story here.
Here is a story from today's Onion on stealth marketing.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
PR Candidates waiting!!

A few enterprising job-seekers have posted their resumes to my site. If you are an HR manager or someone in the position to hire take a look, you never know who you might find.
Interested in having your resume posted? in a word document and I will put it on the site.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Get your MNPR Gear for the Holidays!
Be the first in your office to come into work dressed in stylish Minnesota Public Relations Blog gear. Check it out. Visit my new store just launched today.
Let me know if there is something that you want that isn't offered and I will see what I can do.
Expand Your Horizons
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Download the Conference details (PDF)
Meeting Specifics
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Registration & Breakfast/Networking: 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Professional Practices Conference 9:00 m. – noon
Lunch and Annual Meeting Program: noon – 1:30 p.m.
Metropolitan Ballroom
Full Registration
PRSA Member $90
Nonmember $110
Student $45Lunch Only
PRSA Member $30
Nonmember $45
Student $15
or call the Minnesota PRSA office at .
Registrations for the full program after Thursday, December 8 will be charged an additional $25.
Registrations for lunch only after Thursday, December 8 will be charged an additional $10.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Account Executive Position at Haberman & Assoc
Ideal candidate will possess insanely great national business, trade and consumer media relations skills; 3-5 years experience at a PR agency; awesome writing skills; and an appetite for working in an ever-changing, fast-paced environment. Investor relations experience a plus.
Send resume/cover letter to by Jan. 31, 2006.
Salary commensurate with experience.
Friday, December 09, 2005
FAST HORSE Seeks Two New Employees
The CRM has a minimum of 2-5 years PR agency experience and is responsible for driving programs and assisting with day-to-day account execution. The CRM also manages client engagements; contributes to and leads appropriate strategic discussions and applies critical judgment on all daily work; conducts consumer and industry research, and is responsible for timely invoicing and other basic account and agency management tasks. Candidates who demonstrate creativity, strong writing skills and a sense of humor will have the inside track.
Please send your resume to .
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Vascellaro to host the 28th Annual Minnesota Classic Awards banquet
Frank Vascellaro will host the 28th Annual Minnesota Public Relations Society of America Classic Awards banquet. The Kare 11 host, who recently announced he will be leaving for greener pastures has been the anchor for the station since 2003 and has been with the station for nine years.
According to , Vascellaro came to KARE from WHOI-TV in Peoria, Illinois in 1996. He has been involved in community projects since arriving; most notably, the Cancer Kids Fund, the Crisis Nursery and the Minnesota Children's Museum among many other organizations.
Get details on and register for the Classic Awards here.
Minnesota PRSA Award Entries Due Tomorrow
Deadline for receipt of entries is 5 p.m., December 8. There are no deadline extensions. Each entry must be submitted according to the How to Prepare Your PRSA Classics Entry instructions or it will be disqualified with no refund.
Get more info at
Funniest Commercials of the Year
To view other funny commercials from TBS click here.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Minnesota PRSA Annual Meeting and Professional Practices Conference
Expand Your Horizons
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Download the Conference details (PDF)
Meeting Specifics
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Registration & Breakfast/Networking: 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Professional Practices Conference 9:00 m. – noon
Lunch and Annual Meeting Program: noon – 1:30 p.m.
Metropolitan Ballroom
Full Registration
PRSA Member $90
Nonmember $110
Student $45
Lunch Only
PRSA Member $30
Nonmember $45
Student $15
or call the Minnesota PRSA office at .
Registrations for the full program after Thursday, December 8 will be charged an additional $25.
Registrations for lunch only after Thursday, December 8 will be charged an additional $10.
AWC - Giving voice to your value
Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Woman’s Club of Minneapolis
Register online now at to hear sales strategist and popular speaker, Jill Konrath. She’ll share instantly useable tips on how to create urgent and compelling needs for what you have to offer. For more information visit our Web site or contact Susan Ahrens at or .
Monday, December 05, 2005
Nordstrom SilverScreen

So far, the mildly-entertaining videos seem to have been received well by the blogosphere, which is good news for both Nordstrom's and Fallon.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Writing to write because it feels right
Many of you, at some point, would like to write something of significance. I ask my audiences, "How many of you have said to yourselves, 'I'd like to write a book' or 'Someday I'm going to write a book.'" Tons of hands go up. Eagerly.I think most of us tend to get too busy writing for work, school and volunteer stuff that we forget to write for ourselves. The new year is coming and with it comes a chance to resolve to do things better. Next year, I resolve to tell more stories, not because anyone cares, but because I enjoy telling them and want to improve my writing. Who's with me?
I follow that question up with, "Keep your hand up if you have the first chapter written." Almost all hands go down. Sheepishly.
For most, there doesn't seem to be much will beyond the "want." Too bad because writing unleashes a whole new set of awareness within you:
- Writing provides personal insight.
- Writing clarifies thought.
- Writing fleshes out existing ideas and generates new ones.
- Writing creates characters and character.
- Writing is a discipline -- a self-discipline of the mind.
- Writing forces you to think from the back of your brain -- the creative section.
- Writing enhances your creativity.
Get the rest of the Business Journal article by Jeffrey Gitomer here.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Russell & Herder seeking Copywriter
Other media skills, such as desktop video editing, will be considered a big plus. Successful candidate will be smart, professional, with the proficiency to write for a multitude of media, including print, Web, radio, collateral, as well as strategic positioning statements develop branding for campaigns. Must be comfortable interacting with both clients and consumers, in the office and in the field. You understand how to connect brands with consumers in engaging ways, how to communicate quickly and clearly, have a commitment to delivering client ROI and the ability to generate creative results within a team environment.
Strong knowledge of grammar and style, exceptional proofreading skills and self-editing capability, knowledge of strategic marketing/promotional tactics, enthusiasm for learning and developing new consumer engagement strategies, ability to quickly move between assignments and subjects and intellect, street-smart, sense of humor and positive, can do attitude.
Please submit cover letter, resume and five writing samples to . Candidates within the Minneapolis area who meet qualifications will be given first consideration.
See their Monster ad here.
Minnesota Hospital Association is looking for a communications specialist
Reporting to the communications director, the specialist will work closely with other members of the communications team, other MHA staff members, hospital leaders and other contacts.
- Writing, working with staff on articles and managing our weekly news publications; this will include covering some events;
- Preparing and editing MHA background pieces and other collateral on topical issues, such as legislative priorities or MHA’s health policy-related work;
- Creating other Web-site content;
- Managing various projects and publications, such as the MHA Awards program, newsletters and the State Legislative Report;
- Researching; and Assisting with media relations.
The central job requirement is a strong, proven ability to write clearly and persuasively. In addition, the specialist should have a relevant bachelor’s degree and four years of experience in the communications field or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience in health care or government is preferred.
MHA offers a competitive salary and a strong benefits package. For more information on MHA, visit For other information or to apply, contact John Manning, MHA communications director, at .
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Upsher-Smith Laboratories, a pharmaceutical company which manufactures and markets prescription pharmaceutical, Over The Counter/OTC and cosmetic products for the cardiovascular, dermatological and women’s health markets, will use Maccabee Group for national product publicity and corporate communications.
Olson Promotes Herbst to AS
“This agency has long shown a passion for public relations in all its forms, from media relations and experiential marketing to buzz and word of mouth. It's a discipline that permeates every corner of the agency,” said John Olson, president of the agency. “Rebecca and Clint have a wealth of public relations experience under their belts, and by promoting Rebecca and hiring Clint we’re showing that we’re committed to providing our clients with the best in public relations practices.”
Since joining OLSON in 2003 as a senior account executive, Herbst has managed PR efforts for such clients as Sallie Mae, Phillips Distilling Company, Old Dutch and NSF International. Before joining OLSON, Herbst worked at Padilla Spear Beardsley and Carmichael Lynch Spong.
Prior to OLSON, Roberts worked at Carmichael Lynch Spong managing day-to-day projects for Harley-Davidson and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Before CLS, Roberts was at Weber Shandwick where he worked on projects for The Scotts Company and Miracle Gro, Minnesota Vikings, Polaris and Tom Lehman’s Charity Golf Tournaments.
“Public relations has always been, and always will be part of our holistic approach,” said Kevin DiLorenzo, managing director and senior vice president at OLSON. “With Rebecca and Clint on board, the future of PR for our clients and our agency is very bright.”
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Weber Promotes Krejci to VP of Web Relations practice

"Online communication has become deeply entrenched in the way we do business and the way our clients reach their target audiences," said Sara Gavin, president of Weber Shandwick's Twin Cities office. "David has developed our Web Relations team to be a central capability that we offer our clients."
Krejci began his career with Weber Shandwick nearly seven years ago as an intern. Building the agency's Web Relations compatibility in the Minneapolis office and throughout Weber Shandwick worldwide Krejci has become a respected leader for his knowledge, strategic abilities and creativity in using the Web to help clients communicate more effectively.
Ad Fed's Annual Holiday Party
Tuesday, December 6, 11:00am - 1:30pm
Radisson Plaza Hotel
11:00 Registration
Hors d'oeuvres and mingling
Raffle sale and drawing
Silent Auction
12:30 Live Auction
1:00 Purchase Auction items, mingle
Holiday Music courtesy of the Minnesota Zephyr Cabaret singers
Register online at or download a registration form here.
Member $30
Nonmember $50
$400 for groups of 10
Register by November 30 at 5:00pm. Add $10 after this date and at the door. No refunds or cancellations after 5:00pm on Wednesday, November 30.
(To register a group, please contact the Ad Fed office @ )
Not an Ad Fed member? Join today at .
Monday, November 28, 2005
Fast Horse will develop and execute a multi-phased media relations campaign to promote “A Passion for the Game,” in which Lehman shares his love for the sport as well as the inspirations and motivations in his life. The book offers insights from Lehman’s more than 15 years on the PGA TOUR and memoirs from his experience playing in three Ryder Cup events.
“SFX Golf has a strong reputation for quality talent and event management, and works with some of the biggest names in the game,” said Jörg Pierach, president of Fast Horse Inc. “We believe Tom Lehman and Ryder Cup fans everywhere will be very interested in learning about this new book, and we’re delighted to team with Tom and SFX Golf to build awareness for it.”
Tunheim Appoints Peterson to AS and Clark to AE

Reminder - 2006 PRSA Classics Call for Entries
In addition to the outstanding public relations elements and programs that will be recognized, Minnesota PRSA will also name a recipient of the Donald G. Padilla Community Classic Award. In addition, area college students are encouraged to showcase their work by entering the 4th annual PRSA Student Classics.
Celebrate your public relations achievements of the past year by entering your own outstanding work in the 28th annual Classics Awards program on March 9, 2006 at the Depot.
Click here for more information on the PRSA Classics.
Target Blog?
The question of whether Target should blog or not is not a new one, in fact bloggers have been discussing this issue for some time. But the interesting twist to this article is that it pushes Target to do an internal blog for employees.
Author Kevin Dugan says Target could learn from what other company's have done, here is an excerpt:
Target could learn a lot from:
Target needs to engage its employees in a dialogue and give them a voice. Left unchecked, labor unions and its unhappy employees will impact customer opinion of this top retailer.
- Honeywell: The manufacturer created a "Career Blog" so potential candidates can get a read on company culture from current, passionate employees.
- Labor Unions: Most alarming is that the union already hosts blogs for Target employees to give them a voice in the hopes they can organize them. The Target Stores Employees' Web Site aggregates blog posts from current, and even potential, employees.
- Current Employees: Honeywell's positive experiences impact search results should any current employees blog about a negative experience. As Target is not officially blogging, a quick Google search turns up Target employee B. Ron. B. Ron writes openly about his experience setting the store with "some ****Edited**** from corporate." "I will tell you, if it weren't for real morons this company might be bigger than Wal-Mart. What am I saying, everyone that works at Wal-Mart is a moron!"
Other blogging articles:
Also announced this past week, IBM has taken internal blogs to the next level with employee Podcasts.
Get more blog articles like this one, , by visiting my .
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope your year has been as rewarding as mine. Here is a little Thanksgiving Quiz to get you in the holiday mood.
My quiz results were not as good as I had expected:
You answered 15 items out of 20 correctly.
Your score is 75%. Good job! Gobble! Gobble!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
U of M Welcomes ZipCar
The Star Tribune reported this morning on a new trend hitting the University of Minnesota next year -- ZipCars.
ZipCars are a "car-sharing" service that allows users on-demand cars. According to the Strip article, the cars are "aimed at people who typically walk, bike or use transit." says:
Thousands of smiling drivers use Zipcars in Boston, New York, and Washington DC. In many neighborhoods, Zipcars are as ubiquitous as ATMs. ZipCars for Business (Z2B) and personal drivers alike are loving the freedom and cost savings a Zipcar brings to their life - many have even achieved transportation nirvana. That's why over 30% of our customers have either sold their car or have stopped their purchasing decision. The revolution is underway, at least in the minds of members who no longer give a second thought to how they will get where they need to go. With a Zipcard in your pocket, a car is only a wireless signal away.
HourCar was another company considered for the program, but was not selected because of rates.
Wish they had this service when I was in college!!
Carmichael Lynch - Account Manager - Direct Marketing focus
The interactive and direct marketing manager works within a greater brand team to plan, design and execute integrated solutions for big brand clients. Must be a champion of great creative, be detail oriented, isn't afraid of analysis, and have a track record of managing programs that build a client's business.
Experience in both offline and online direct marketing is a plus. Idea candidate has implementation experience with direct mail, direct response advertising, online advertising, email marketing, website creation. Carmichael Lynch's client roster includes a number of reputable brands such as Porsche, Harley-Davidson, American Standard, AG Edwards, Northwest Airlines, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Gibson and others.
Send resume to: Human Resources, Carmichael Lynch, , or fax or email
Monday, November 21, 2005
Great presentations start at AWC
The seminar will be hosted at The Woman’s Club from 7:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. featuring a continental breakfast, lunch, and the following speakers:
Tad Simons,
Headquartered in Minneapolis, Presentations is the only magazine dedicated exclusively to individuals and organizations that create and deliver presentations. Tad, the publication’s editor-in-chief, will identify best presentation practices of leading presenters and organizations worldwide. He will also share the dos and don’ts of Powerpoint, and introduce you to the latest presentation technology and trends – from practical tools to techno-gadgets.
Joan Moser, Spoken Impact
As the president of a public speaking training and consulting company, Joan knows how to get captivate an audience. In just 60 minutes she will give you a quick overview of the six most important techniques you can use when you present. Examples of what to do and what not to do will be given. Come ready to update your delivery in these areas: authenticity, likeability, gestures, vocal variety, executive presence, and eye contact.
Beth LaBreche, LaBreche Murray
Beth has provided media training to executives in various industries throughout the U.S. This is your opportunity to experience her trademarked and renowned PRepare Media Training session. Beth’s interactive, informative presentation will help you acquire – and immediately apply through skills practice -- the techniques necessary to make the most of your media opportunities.
Samantha Pereira, Stevie Ray’s Improv Company
The School of Improv at Stevie Ray's has trained thousands of people, many who have used the benefits of improvisation to better their business lives. As the school’s administrator and an instructor, Samantha is a master of improvisation. Her presentation, Think On Your Feet, will help you develop improvisation techniques to become a better presenter under pressure. It’s a humorous and very useful training for delivering yourself with poise and command.
This event will surely be worthy of a standing ovation! Mark your calendars now and register on-line starting December 1 at . For more information, please contact Sarah Sladek at .
DeGrood Bendt wins Andersen Windows account
One of Minnesota's oldest brands just hired one of the Twin Cities' newest advertising agencies.Get the rest of the story here.
Andersen Corp., the 102-year-old window and door maker out of Bayport, tapped Minneapolis-based Gabriel deGrood Bendt to create its 2006 corporate branding campaign. Andersen had worked with Minneapolis-based Campbell Mithun on the creative portion of its advertising for the past 72 years. Campbell Mithun will keep media planning and placement duties on the account.
Andersen is an account that GdB principals said they've had their eyes on for some time.
"We tried to talk to them eight years ago when we started our company," said GdB founder and CEO Tom Gabriel. "At the time they had a relationship."
New Hires at Weber Shandwick

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Weber Volunteers Rake Leafs for Elderly

"The company-sponsored on Loan program is in its third year," said Leah Kondes, Marketing Director at Weber Shandwick. "We added this component in response to an employee survey where non-PR folks (accounting, admin, etc.) said they wanted a way to be involved in our community relations program. This past spring we spent at an afternoon at Feed My Starving Children."
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Wells Fargo - Communications Associate 1
Business Payroll Services (BPS), part of the Diversified Products Group within Wells Fargo, is in search of a Communications Associate 1 to join our team in . Responsible for tactical/routine writing and editing such as newsletter articles, policies and procedures, advisories and alerts, correspondence, event or initiative communications, press releases, fact sheets, forms to support achievement of business goals and maintain/improve the company's image.
Position may include responsibility for contributing to publication design including photography and graphic design; assisting with civic/community relation activities; maintaining website content including developing, writing, editing, and posting information; maintaining distribution lists; translating documents across languages; and/or gathering and reporting information regarding team member or public opinion for use by management. This position reports to the National Sales Manager.
Minimum Qualifications:
4 year degree and 2+ years experience in a communications related field. Familiarity and experience with Desktop Publishing and graphics applications. Strong computer skills, particularly Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. Extensive writing background and experience. Demonstrated project management and facilitation skills.
How to Express Interest in This Job: Wells Fargo invites you to express interest in this position by visiting our site here and then following the on-screen instructions.
Job reference code: 794351
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Weber promotes Hansen and Dobyns

Monday, November 14, 2005
Larson returns to Fleishman
“We are so excited to have Martine return to the Fleishman-Hillard fold,” said Sarah McNeil, senior vice president in the Minneapolis/St. Paul office. “she brings with her the experience she gained while in San Diego, along with a deep understanding of our office culture and our current clients.”
Larson joins Fleishman-Hillard from Beck Ellman Heald in San Diego, CA, where she worked as an account executive for technology, healthcare, law, real estate and retail clients.
Prior to Beck Ellman Heald, Larson spent a year interning at the Minneapolis/St. Paul office of Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. where she worked with such clients as Imation, GlassHouse Technologies and CommVault Systems.
Larson earned at Bachelors of Science in Business degree in marketing from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Veterans Day Tribute
Here are a couple tributes to our soldiers that I enjoyed: - A Tribute to Those Who Have Served. - November 11, A Date To Remember
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
The IMMORAL Side of Public Relations
Presenter: Brian Freeman, author of IMMORAL
Long-time Minnesota PRSA volunteer Brian Freeman left his day job earlier this year to live the dream of many in the communications field. His thriller IMMORAL has become an international hit, sold in more than 14 countries and named a Main Selection in book clubs from the U.S. to Australia.
At the November monthly meeting, Brian will talk about the process of getting a literary agent, selling the book to a publisher, and working through the publication cycle from acceptance to sales. He'll discuss the key role of public relations at all stages of the process - and what's exciting and frustrating about the world of publishing PR. There will also be plenty of time for Q&A.
At the end of the meeting, we'll conduct a drawing to give away several signed copies of IMMORAL!
About Brian Freeman
Brian Freeman is author of IMMORAL, a thriller published by St. Martin's Minotaur in 2005. His novel has been sold to publishers in 14 countries and was named International Book of the Month by Bookspan. It was the Main Selection in both the Literary Guild and the Book of the Month Club. His next novel is due out in Fall 2006. For more information, visit his Web site at
Prior to going out on his own as an author and business writer, Freeman served as director of marketing and public relations at the international law firm of Faegre & Benson, where he conceived and led a multiple-award-winning communications and marketing program. Under his leadership, the firm's Web site was rated the #1 law firm Web site in the nation by an independent consulting firm three years in a row, and its bimonthly legal magazine Trends won the Burton Award for top law firm publication in the U.S. Brian also served as guest columnist for The Business Journal on techniques for corporate storytelling and has authored numerous feature stories for Twin Cities Business Monthly.
Meeting Specifics
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Registration & Networking: 11:30 a.m. – noon
Lunch: noon – 12:30 p.m.
Program: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Metropolitan Ballroom
Cost: Cost: Pre-Registered: $30 members, $45 guests, $15 students; Walk-ins (after November 14): $40 members; $55 guests; $25 students
Register By: 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 14), to receive the discounted rate.
or call the Minnesota PRSA office at .
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Crossing over - How to move from college to the working world
If you think of the actual word and its definition, you will see words like interconnected and cross-over. The glory of networking is you are bound to find someone you know who has a connection. And, more than likely, that person will have a connection as well.
First thing first, make a list of people you know - include relatives, neighbors, classmates/co-workers, etc. Let them know you are on the job-hunt and what kind of position you are interested in. E-mail them an updated resume and ask them to distribute it to people they know.
Second, make a list of companies and agencies that sound appealing to you. Research who the appropriate contact is at the company and/or agency and see if that person would be willing to have an informational interview with you, either in person or via teleconference. Informational interviews provide you interviewing experience and valuable feedback on your resume. If the individual you interviewed with is impressed, they may forward your information on to someone in a different department or to a different company all together.
Third, who you have spoken with and ask if they would be willing to give you feedback on your resume and interviewing skills.
CEOs See Value in Blogging
CEOs surveyed recognize the benefits of blogs, including the ability to quickly communicate new ideas and news (41 percent), providing a more informal venue for communication with constituents (40 percent), and obtaining immediate feedback (36 percent). Despite these benefits, only 18 percent of CEOs plan to host a company blog over the next two years.
"Most CEOs are still in a wait-and-see mode when it comes to blogs mainly due to time limitations and concerns about what they can say publicly," said Dr. Leslie Gaines-Ross, Burson-Marsteller's chief knowledge & research officer worldwide and CEO reputation expert. "Even though there is greater awareness of the power of blogs today, CEOs may feel that employees expect them to be spending their time running the business, meeting customers driving growth."
CEOs Spend More Time Communicating With Employees and Customers
According to this year's survey, CEOs are spending more time communicating internally and externally with every type of constituent -- most notably employees and customers. CEOs surveyed said they are spending 47 percent more time on both internal and external communications than they were two years ago.
CEOs also noted that they are spending more time communicating "face-to-face" with employees with most saying they spend more than 41 percent of their time in this regard. CEOs now realize that attracting and retaining talent is a key competitive advantage and morale booster.
"The CEO is the company's public face for many audiences, including Wall Street, the media, shareholders, and their own employees. Effective and consistent CEO communication builds credibility and strategic alignment with internal and external audiences," said Julia Hood, PRWeek's editor-in-chief. "The real challenge for CEOs today is balancing the demand from stakeholders for responsive and timely communications."
An Expanding Role for the Executive Board
Other trends identified in this survey include the increasing role of executive boards in reputation management. In the current corporate environment, boards are under greater scrutiny for their oversight in company operations, strategy, CEO performance and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Boards are also being held financially liable for crises that result from corporate negligence or misconduct. In this year's survey, CEOs ranked their board second in importance for managing corporate reputation, up from fourth place in 2004.
About the Survey
The PRWeek survey on non-PR CEO's importance of public relations was conducted by PRWeek and research firm Millward Brown. A total of 131 U.S. CEOs completed the survey between September 12th and October 7th. Based on the sample size, the results are statistically tested at a confidence level of 90%.
Complete survey results can be found in the November 7, 2005 issue of PRWeek.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Gray joins Colle+McVoy as New Group Creative Director
"Glenn is an awesome addition to Colle+McVoy's softball roster," said Mike Fetrow, Colle+McVoy's executive creative director. "Oh, and he's, um, extremely talented when it comes to coaxing great ideas out of others. We're really excited to have him."
Gray was wooed out of the freelancing wilderness, where he had been gleefully frolicking for the past 18 months, to join Colle+McVoy. He will initially oversee creative direction for the Nestlé-Purina account, with his duties expanding to other clients in the near future.
A Long Island native, Gray began his advertising career as an art director in New York ("We were still using rubber cement and specing type then.") and worked in Atlanta at Earle Palmer Brown before venturing to the northern remoteness of the American Midwest. He has previously held positions in Minneapolis at Carmichael Lynch and twice at Clarity Coverdale Fury.
Gray's versatile work for clients such as Harley-Davidson, Rapala, Chopin Vodka, Schwinn Bicycles, Old Town Canoes and Mothers Against Drunk Driving has garnered awards from the Effies, Obies and The Show (Minneapolis), and has also been recognized in Communication Arts, One Show, Print, Creativity, Graphis, Lurzer's International Archive and Adweek. In addition, Gray has a winning smile and a firm handshake.
Colle+McVoy's work for Taubman will include strategic counsel and planning, advertising and direct marketing, focusing on several promotions for 2006, including spring, back-to-school and holiday campaigns.
"This is an exciting win for us," said Colle+McVoy CEO and chief creative officer John Jarvis. "As consumers are getting bombarded with retail advertising, Taubman gives us a huge opportunity to create original work that breaks out from the clutter, particularly during the busiest shopping seasons of the year."
Founded in 1950, Taubman Centers, Inc. is a real estate investment firm that owns and manages 23 urban and suburban regional and super regional shopping centers in 11 states. Taubman Centers, Inc. is headquartered in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. and listed on the New York Stock Exchange (TCO).
Friday, November 04, 2005
Roepke Public Relations Receives Highest Honors in MarCom Creative Awards
MarCom’s Platinum Award, presented to entries judged to be among the most outstanding entries, was bestowed on Roepke PR for their work with Ardea Beverage Company, maker of airforce Nutrisoda®. These entries were recognized for their excellence in terms of quality, creativity and resourcefulness.
Gold Awards were received in recognition of Roepke PR’s work for Artspace, the nation’s leading nonprofit real estate developer of artist live/work space, and The Nicollet, a 56-story luxury residential high-rise developed by Nicollet Mall, LLC. MarCom’s Gold Awards were presented to those entries judged to exceed the high standards of the industry.
The firm’s work for 614 Company, operator of the historic Young Quinlan building on Nicollet Mall, also received honorable mention.
“The high quality of work produced by the firm has always been recognized by our clients,” said Katherine Roepke, president of Roepke Public Relations. “It is an honor to have our efforts recognized on an international level. I am very proud of our team.”
MarCom Creative Awards are judged by experienced professionals in the marketing and communication industries who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry. There were 4,613 entries from throughout the United States and several foreign countries. Platinum and Gold Award winners come from advertising and public relations agencies, corporate communication departments, educational institutions, government entities, designers, writers, video productions professionals, broadcast and cable operations, and other businesses and individuals throughout the country.
Get the complete list of MarCom Creative Award winners here.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Positive Feedback
Yesterday, published ten ways to motivate employees and give them the kudos they deserve. Here is a sample:
1. Do it now. Positive feedback is too important to let slide. Say something right away.Get the other five ways and the rest of the article by clicking here.
2. Make it public. While negative feedback should be given privately, positive feedback should be given publicly. Do it in front of as large a group as appropriate.
3. Be specific. Don't just say "Good job, Sally." Instead say something like "Hakim, that new procedure you developed for routing service calls has really improved our customer satisfaction. Thanks for coming up with it."
4. Make a big deal out of it. You don't want to assemble the entire company every time you give positive feedback, but do as much ceremony as the action warrants.
5. Consider the receiver. It is important to consider the feeling of the person receiving the recognition. For a very shy person, thanking him in front of his workgroup is probably most appropriate. For another person, you might hang a banner, balloons, and streamers in the department area.
Weber Shandwick is looking for a Senior Account Executive
Senior Account Executive candidates should have five-plus years of experience. Must have the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment, always with a keen attention to detail. Candidates must be motivated team player with a strong client focus.
The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, with an emphasis on outstanding writing. Must have solid background in media relations. Proven track record of excellent client service required, including strong strategic thinking and planning skills. Experience supervising & mentoring junior-level employees required. Agency experience is a plus.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
See Yourself At Target
As a Specialist in Interactive Marketing on the's Interactive Marketing team you will partner with team members across Target Corporation to drive online marketing initiatives to deepen the relationship with the guest, strengthen the brand, and drive sales. The Specialist, Interactive Marketing works with a multitude of different teams as the single point of contact during all project phases to communicate and manage scope, requirements, project plan and budget. This position is accountable for the accomplishment of project responsibilities on-time and within the allocated budget.
Position Description:
- PROJECT MANAGEMENT- Project Manager for small to medium-sized projects with strong definition of what/how to implement. Leads cross-functional project teams of 3-5 people. Engages immediate manager in most key decisions/scope management
- BUSINESS ANALYSIS - Translates business objectives into creative and technical requirements based on client provided strategy, objectives and business rules to exe
cute project, analyzing identified data as necessary. Documents business, creative and technical requirements and articulates for project team
- COMMUNICATION - Communicates project objectives, status and key decisions within project teams/department occasionally involving immediate manager where necessary. Ensures proper approvals are gathered during project milestones. Translates technical jargon into layman's terms
- RISK MANAGEMENT - Identifies risks and interdependencies within projects/system changes and works with manager to identify and implement plausible solutions/contingency plans
- VENDOR & CLIENT MANAGEMENT - Interacts with and conducts business with vendors and client partners, shares appropriate information, sets clear expectations and holds vendor(s)/client(s) accountable, partnering with manager where necessary. Represent the creative, technical, and other teams as needed in vendor and client meetings
- QUALITY/BRAND MANAGER - Ensures creative and technical outputs pass usability testing, provides a good guest experience, and meets client's business objectives. Ensures that all brand standards, legal compliance and web marketing best practices are reflected in all projects
- BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Develops estimates and refines them through collaboration with project teams (design, copy, production, technical, information architecture) once scope is determined. Manages overall project budget and involves manager to resolve discrepancies between budget and actual costs
Job Requirements:
o 4 year college degree and/or equivalent experienceDESIRED REQUIREMENTS
o 2+ years of internet/interactive project management experience
o Demonstrated ability to manage small to medium sized projects
o Demonstrated ability to lead and motivate project teams
o Ability to deal with ambiguity
o Ability to manage conflict
o Strong customer focus
o Strong interpersonal and communication skills
o Ability to maximize relationships
o Ability to utilize resources and resolve problems quickly
o Strong PC skills (MS Office, MS Project, Visio)
o Working knowledge of web functionality, database structures and content management tools
o 1+ years of marketing experience
o Previous retail experience
o Ability to establish and manage a budget
Apply now by clicking here.
Senior Specialist:
As a Senior Specialist, you will oversee and conceptualize ideas and write copy for, sitelets, e-mails, banner ads, special projects and related promotions.
See Yourself:
- Managing writers, proofreaders and freelancers who write or edit projects
- Working with clients to determine strategy for online communication efforts
- Attending creative kick-off meetings and partnering with clients and account team members to understand business objectives
- Collaborating with Web designer and other members of the creative and business teams to concept projects
- Partnering with store advertising teams to reinforce and amplify creative campaigns online
- Promoting the Target brand by writing informative, conversational copy in the Target style that is imaginative, fun and engaging
- Providing follow-through on all creative projects, maintaining consistency as project develops and changes are requested
- Representing Editorial Team for creative presentations to merchants, business managers, site editors and management
Job Requirements
o 4-year degree in Journalism, English or related fieldDESIRED REQUIREMENTS:
o Proven writing skills, as demonstrated by a portfolio
o Previous Internet writing experience
o Ability to handle multiple projects in a fast-paced environment
o Five to seven years experience in advertising, communications or related field
o Target or experienceApply now by clicking here.
o Two or three years experience managing a staff or freelance writers, copyeditors or proofreaders
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Fleishman-Hillard Welcomes Three to Intern Program
The Minneapolis/St. Paul office of Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. recently added three new interns to the company’s on-going intern program.
Brian Flynn has joined the technology practice and will be working on client accounts including Fair Isaac and CommVault Systems. Flynn joins Fleishman-Hillard from the University of Minnesota where he received an undergraduate degree in communications studies in May 2005.
Anne Michaletz has joined the technology practice to work on accounts including Imation Corp. and Kodak Graphic Communications Group. Michaletz recently completed a marketing/event planning internship for the Edina Chamber of Commerce. She is a May 2005 graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College with a bachelor of arts in communications studies and a minor in sociology/anthropology.
Rachel Studinger is the newest member of the office’s consumer practice group. Studinger comes to Fleishman-Hillard from Target Corporation, where she served as an executive retail intern. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point where she received a May 2005 bachelor of arts in communications with an emphasis on public relations and a minor in business administration.
“The level of achievement and experience we see in intern candidates is very impressive,” said Jon Austin, senior vice president. “Anne, Brian and Rachel have already distinguished themselves academically and in their first ventures into the working world. We are excited to welcome them to Fleishman Hillard, to help them in the next stage of their professional development and to learn from them.”
Monday, October 31, 2005
Olson is agency of record for SLM
Minneapolis-based Olson is a full-service ad agency providing public relations, advertising, design and other media services.
Olson will work with SLM's in-house teams in all marketing areas, including brand positioning, design, advertising, media, public relations and more.
Get the full story here.
Weber Shandwick agency of record for Jo-Ann Stores
"We are honored to be appointed agency of record for Jo-Ann Stores," said Sara Gavin, president of Weber Shandwick's Minneapolis office. "We're looking forward to weaving our strong retail experience and creativity into industry-leading, innovative public relations programs for Jo-Ann Stores."
Jo-Ann Stores, Inc., the leading national craft and fabric retailer with locations in 47 states, operates 705 Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts traditional stores and 142 Jo-Ann superstores. Superstores generate almost four times the revenue of a traditional store and house a large assortment of crafting, floral, custom framing and finished home-décor items in addition to an expanded selection of fabrics and sewing needs. The company offers customers the choice, quality, style and support needed to pursue the passion of creating beautiful things.
Maccabee wins Galaxy Award for "Go Organic! For Earth Day" Campaign
Presented by New York-based Mercomm Inc., the Galaxy Award honored the media coverage generated for “Go Organic! For Earth Day,” a campaign produced by MusicMatters for the Organic Trade Association and Earth Day Network which united 56 organic food brands and 20 supermarket chains to encourage consumers to enjoy the benefits of organic food on the 35th anniversary of Earth Day.
Maccabee Group’s PR campaign for “Go Organic!” generated more than 35 million consumer impressions, including a feature on TV’s “Good Morning, America.” MusicMatters’ post-campaign research found that awareness of organic food went up 8% to 72% among U.S. adult consumers. In addition, over 15,000 educational curriculums were downloaded from Earth Day Network as a result of the campaign and sales increased at retailers across the country.
Thanks FH!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Awards – Why Bother?
I think it’s obvious that entering industry awards for your company or firm is a worthwhile experience. Entering, and especially winning awards, lends your company credibility and shows that your agency or department is the best in your market or industry. It demonstrates to your clients or stakeholders that you are proud of the work you have done and feel it needs the recognition it deserves. Even having your company’s name in the program gives visibility among your colleagues. But what does entering awards do for you personally?
There are several reasons for an individual to decide to take on the painstaking task of entering industry awards. First of all, becoming a finalist or winning in your category gives you recognition within your company or firm.
A senior account executive in our office decided to enter an element she was very proud of in last year’s PRSA Classics Awards. She drafted her two-page summary and collected supporting materials basically on her own because her supervisor felt that entering awards might not be the best use of her time and would prefer that time was instead focused on building new business relationships. Long story short, the SAE’s entry became a finalist, she invited her clients to attend the awards ceremony and the clients were very excited to accept the award when it won. The SAE’s supervisor admitted afterward that it took a lot of initiative to go through with the entry and was very happy the client was so pleased.
Another good reason for an individual to get involved with industry awards is the opportunity to network with industry leaders and peers. The award ceremonies are great to meet people you don’t know, catch up with people you haven’t seen in awhile and introduce yourself to that PR professional that has always impressed you.
One of the most important reasons to enter awards and attend award ceremonies is to have fun. What’s better than spending a celebratory night with co-workers? Being recognized by your peers is one of the most fulfilling events that can happen in a public relations practitioner’s career.
Curtis Smith
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Be Part of Pro-Am Day 2005
Pro-Am Day, short for Professional-Amateur Day, is slated for Friday, November 18. The annual mentoring event matches Twin Cities' PR professionals with Minnesota PRSSA students for a day of job shadowing. Participating students have an opportunity to learn more about work environments and job expectations by experiencing a day-in-the-life of a public relations professional. We hope you will consider hosting a student. Following the visit to your workplace, you're also invited to join students at a reception and skills seminar at RSM McGladrey in Bloomington.
To sign up for Pro-Am Day 2005 as a professional host, please fill in the Professional Registration Form and return it to Anne Salmen via fax at or via e-mail at by November 4.
For more information for professionals wishing to host students, please visit the MN PRSA Web site at --> -->.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Hey there, Blimpy Boy
As previously discussed on the Oct. 11 entry, the mystery blimp is no longer a mystery. KMSP-TV Channel 9 is behind the blimp, which can still be seen circling Minneapolis (see pictures, which were taken yesterday). Certainly the blimp created buzz before the banners were switched, but has it convinced viewers to watch its early newscast? Are you more aware of the newscast time? Please, let us know your thoughts.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
2006 PRSA Classics Call for Entries

Entries are now being accepted for the 28th Annual Minnesota PRSA Classics. The deadline for entires is December 8, 2005 at 5 p.m.
In addition to the outstanding public relations elements and programs that will be recognized, Minnesota PRSA will also name a recipient of the Donald G. Padilla Community Classic Award. In addition, area college students are encouraged to showcase their work by entering the 4th annual PRSA Student Classics.
Celebrate your public relations achievements of the past year by entering your own outstanding work in the 28th annual Classics Awards program on March 9, 2006 at the Depot.
More information on the PRSA Classics can be found at
Greetings from the FH think tank
If you have any questions or story subjects you want us to cover, please shoot us an e-mail or post in the comments section.
In the next few days, look for entries that will cover such subjects as Getting a Job Out of College and Awards - Why bother?
We are very excited to cover for Ryan while he is bailing out Louisiana.
Jessie and Curtis
Monday, October 24, 2005
Get more info at
Friday, October 21, 2005
Fleishman-Hillard to blog for me while I'm in Louisiana
is a Senior Coordinator at Fleishman-Hillard, Inc, where he directs the new business and marketing efforts for Minneapolis/St. Paul office. Along with his marketing and new business responsibilities, Curtis manages creative assignments for FH clients, including print collateral, promotional materials, Web development, interactive applications and video.Good luck, I am sure you;ll enjoy it.
Prior to joining Fleishman-Hillard, Curtis worked for the Minneapolis office of Weber Shandwick Worldwide as a member of its marketing and new business team. At Weber Shandwick, he assisted in distributing promotional material, managing the prospect database and preparing capabilities and collateral for new business presentations.
He is a member of the (PRSA) and serves as co-chair of the PRSA's Classics award committee.
is an Assistant Account Executive at Fleishman and works primarily on their technology accounts, serving as support for media relations and trade shows, writing and editing documents, and spokesperson coordination.
Jessie graduated from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism and an emphasis in public relations. During school, she wrote for the Iowa State Daily and served as the 2003-04 president of the ISU chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America.