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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
My Writing Sample Paradox
For almost all internships, you need to submit a minimum of two writing samples, although to get these writing samples, it is believed that you needed to have a previous internship. This can make the search to getting your dream internship long and intensive. If however having standout writing samples is the ultimate key to gaining that dream internship then you better figure out a way to get some writing experience.
Even though I have now done multiple internships and have countless writing samples, I am constantly looking for ways to get my writing published in publications more aligned with what I want to do in my future career. In my constant search for the “ultimate” writing samples I have come across various companies and resources that get your writing published.
Check out the resources and tips below to help get your first (or thousandth) writing sample:
Seek out start up publications – Many smaller start-up print or media publications, for example online magazines, need content posted to their website but they don’t have the funds to pay staff. Offer your services of writing and your advice or expertise on a topic. Start up companies such as XploreU rely on “interns” or brand ambassadors to write the majority of the content for their website. This offers students a chance to gain writing experience and share their ideas.
Start up companies – Many start up companies need people to contribute to their online media; this is where you and your writing skills come into play. Seek out companies such as online travel and tourism websites and retail or fashion websites, where the content is constantly changing, thus your services of writing content for the website is valuable to the company.
Create a blog – Creating a blog is one way that allows you to voice your opinions and showcase your writing talents. Having a blog is also a great place to house other writing and creative work that you have done. Your blog will soon double as a reference for potential employers to visit when researching you and your skills. If you don't have the energy to start a blog volunteer to be a guest blogger. This blog or the Minnesota Student PR Blog are both good options.
Take advantage of social media- Social media enables you to have a voice; don’t underestimate this voice. Start conversations with professionals in the field that you are looking to work in. Explain that you are trying to get advice on writing samples and to gain experience. Many companies and/or professionals need unpaid help, solicit your valuable services to these professionals. It is a win-win situation in the end; they gain help with their work and you gain writing samples and valuable work experience.
- Write Letters to the editor or opinion pieces- Be proactive and engage in conversation whenever possible. The whole idea is to pitch yourself, so come up with good ideas and pitch yourself, eventually a story you have is destined to get picked up.
Checkout this website for more tips and general templates:
Brittany Frascht
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Blog Assignment, Communications, Internship, Public Relations, University of Minnesota, Writing
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Six tips to rocking a phone Interview
In the last few months I’ve participated in several phone interviews. Unfortunately, the results of which have not allowed me to advance through to the next stage of interviews. After a little frustration, I decided to take action and figure out where my interview abilities were lacking. In this week’s blog I will explain how and individual can put their best-self forward during a phone interview.
Use a quiet space:
Try to eliminate any distractions for the interview. This will make it easy to focus entirely on the interviewer’s questions and giving a proper response. -
Take your time:
Just like a normal interview, there is no rush to answering an interviewer’s questions. Listen to the question, take a moment to process, and then articulate a concise response. -
Use a reliable phone line:
If using a cell phone, make sure the battery is well charged and working well. When possible, use a landline as they will provide the best sound quality on either end of the line. -
Have your resume close by:
Know your key messages so you can convey them to the interviewer. Keep the position description and resume within reaching distance while you are on the phone. Refer to both as much as needed. -
Take notes for the 2nd interview:
These notes will act and a memory aid for the possibility another interview. Write down questions posed to the interviewer to avoid asking them again in the second interview. Take note of key messages and attributes the interviewer repeats multiple times. -
Get in front of the mirror:
What better way to convey confidence than to look and feel confident? Stand in front of the mirror while giving responses. The ability to visualize this confidence will help convey it in interviewee’s voice.
Acing a phone interview takes practice, but keep at it. Don’t forget, a phone interview is just like a regular interview. Always follow up with a handwritten note or email thanking the interviewer for their time. Express interest in the opportunity and relate individual skills to the position. For some additional interview and job hunting tips visit
Ellie Humphrey
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Blog Assignment, Communications, Job, Public Relations, University of Minnesota
Strother Communications Group Hires Mary Nhotsavang as Senior Account Executive
Nhotsavang, a native of Apple Valley, joins SCG after working at BAE Systems as a Communications Specialist where she developed and executed internal and external corporate communication programs. She has also worked at other agencies in the Twin Cities. Nhotsavang earned a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Public Relations from Ithaca College, and is currently pursuing a Masters of Business Communication degree at the University of St. Thomas. She is also a member of PRSA.
Connect and learn with Strother Communications Group on , , and SCG’s blog, 41 Stories.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, Minnesota, New Hire, Public Relations, SCG, Strother
Monday, December 21, 2009
Two new clients -- CaringBridge, the Eagan, MN-based charitable non-profit organization providing free Web sites that connect family and friends to share love and support during a serious health event, and LOGIS/Local Government Information Systems, the Golden Valley, MN-based consortium of Minnesota local government units sharing Information Technology solutions – have chosen Minneapolis-based Maccabee Group as their new public relations agency.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Maccabee Group, Minnesota, New Client, Public Relations
Marketing is like dating?

In dating have to get to know the person you are interested in, show your strengths and character and emphasize the ones that resonate with your date. There must be some connection between the two of you in order to gain a second date. The more connections you have, obviously the better off you’ll be.
So how do you create connections with your date? By discovering and emphasizing your common shared values.
Similarily, you need to research your consumer and work on your attraction factor by advertising and the “Four P’s of Marketing.” Don’t focus so much on the competition, focus on your consumer and reveal the attraction that is already within your relationship. I promise, with proper research and consumer centricity as the focal point, you’re going to like what you see. Then flaunt what you got that your consumer wants.
Trust me, they will be far more likely to be drawn to you if you focus on their needs than if you target the other guy/girl that is also pining for their loyalty and affection.
My theories are not just my own, they are based on a book called The Truth About Creating Brands People Love by Brian D. Till and Donna Heckler. I highly recommend it to any business owner who wants to learn brand secrets that make companies succeed and profits soar. Good luck.
Ashley Larson
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Blog Assignment, Communications, Marketing, University of Minnesota
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Three Important skills for future PR professionals
For those of you involved with public relations, you know the field is rapidly changing. The boom of the internet, , and social media sites, combined with the cell phone’s ability to keep people organized and connected through those channels, is establishing a new skill set for the successful PR professional.
It’s no longer sufficient to simply be aware or have a general idea of how to use the aforementioned technology. It’s absolutely essential for PR professionals to fully understand how to work with the internet, social media sites and blogs; and to recognize the most effective way to make use of them. I am currently a student majoring in public relations and after talking with people currently involved with PR, I’ve learned a few of the following skills are vital to success in the field.
- Search engine optimization: This is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via unpaid search results; opposed to search engine marketing which requires paying for the same cause. Mastering this skill will give your website a web presence, increasing its relevance to specific keywords and removing barriers of search engines. The earlier you can get your site to appear in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive and awareness you can generate for your cause.
- Understanding how to effectively reach customers: As mentioned before, you need to use more than just the traditional media outlets. It’s necessary to understand the ins and outs of the social web and blogger relations because if you do, and you know all the available spaces online, you can bypass gatekeepers and engage directly with customers and peers who purchase your products or influence the decisions of others.
- Staying connected using mobile tools: With the advent of smart phones (iPhone, Blackberry) and their ability to access twitter, Facebook, etc., it’s imperative to know how to accomplish your work in a timely fashion. In my opinion, this is the most important thing for PR professionals to pay attention to. News is happening constantly and it’s extremely valuable to be able to both inform and communicate people and react quickly to problems (crisis management).
David Hauge
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Blog Assignment, Communications, Public Relations, Social Networking, Twitter, University of Minnesota
Thursday, December 17, 2009
GdB lands Hammer Made branding account

In addition to developing the name and brand position, GdB also designed the logo, which adorns the shirt collars and storefront.
Part of its ongoing marketing support for Hammer Made, GdB is currently discussing a strategic social media plan with Hammerberg to see implementation in first quarter 2010.
“We’re excited to be involved at such an important time in this brand’s life,” said Doug DeGrood, creative director for GdB. “We’re definitely starting to dress better at work too.”
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Branding, Communications, Exponent Public Relations, Gabriel deGrood Bendt, GdB, Marketing, Minnesota
Jacobsen joins OLSON as interactive account and customer relationship director
“OLSON is creating great work, driving business results even in this economic environment. I've been watching OLSON for the past several years and have always been impressed with the work it delivers,” says Jacobsen. “It's exciting to be part of this agency, to be always seeking what's next and around the curve.”
“Marie is an innovative strategist with deep experience in digital and direct channels as well as campaign measurement,” says Kevin DiLorenzo, president, OLSON. “Her experience is a valuable asset as we continue to strengthen our CRM and how it meshes with the social environment, as well as pushing our measurement and analytics capabilities.”
Marie graduated from St. Norbert College, Green Bay, Wisc., and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration. Prior to Martin/Williams she established, and was director of, interactive marketing for Gage Marketing Group; and was manager of relationship marketing for Musicland. management (CRM) director, from Martin/Williams, where she was vice-president and group director.
“OLSON is creating great work, driving business results even in this economic environment. I've been watching OLSON for the past several years and have always been impressed with the work it delivers,” says Jacobsen. “It's exciting to be part of this agency, to be always seeking what's next and around the curve.”
“Marie is an innovative strategist with deep experience in digital and direct channels as well as campaign measurement,” says Kevin DiLorenzo, president, OLSON. “Her experience is a valuable asset as we continue to strengthen our CRM and how it meshes with the social environment, as well as pushing our measurement and analytics capabilities.”
Marie graduated from St. Norbert College, Green Bay, Wisc., and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration. Prior to Martin/Williams she established, and was director of, interactive marketing for Gage Marketing Group; and was manager of relationship marketing for Musicland.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, Minnesota, New Hire, Olson
Two networking methods you should know about
Networking at public situations can be, at times, intimidating and awkward. It can be unnerving going up to a person you’ve never met before and try to carry a conversation with them that will be stimulating, and not along the lines of uncomfortable. And besides, will they really remember you after that short conversation. suggests that networking at these types of events can prove helpful for your career as long as you follow the necessary steps; the most important step being the follow-up. This is the essential step in the networking process that won’t let your connection forget about you. It could possibly be that if the necessary steps are taken maybe a true connection will be made that will get you that future internship or job.
Networking within your internship can be a very useful way to get your foot into that next door. Most of the time, you are interning at a place which is in the realm of what you hope your future profession will be. This means that the people you work with should have connections to other jobs that would be within your desired field. This allows your networking to have more of a focus and get you the end result you desire. The people you work with will not only have connections, but they will be able to give a recommendation of your work ethic and experience to those connections. This way you’re not just some name on a business card. A referral from one employer to another can really help your chances of landing that dream job. This article discusses the matter further.
Both methods of networking can prove to be successful, if done correctly. My own personal opinion is that I prefer, and find more effective, to establish these beneficial relationships when directly working with people in internships than just shaking numerous hands at a public event. I find it more valuable to utilize connections I’ve establish while on the job. However, I have considered that a combination of both methods would not hurt a person’s chances. I guess you’ll never know unless you try, so in the meantime, I will be practicing my handshake and elevator pitches for that next public event.
Kristie Gaalswyk
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Blog Assignment, Minnesota, Networking, Public Relations, University of Minnesota
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Top 5 Things a Grad Should Do Before a PR Job Interview
Perfect your résumé and portfolio. Be sure both are examples of your writing and knowledge of AP Style. Also be sure to tailor your résumé and cover letter to each job description. Keep your résumé simple, do not include irrelevant information – and try to keep it to one page if possible. Helpful items to include in a portfolio are résumés, evidence of professional affiliations, licenses or certificates, and work samples. See Susan Balcom Waltcom’s on what to include in a PR portfolio for more tips.
- Google Yourself! What is the first thing that comes up when you google your name? Your google results may be saying a lot more than you realize! Make sure it is something positive. To improve your google search results consider starting a blog, or creating a profile.
- Use Social Media To Make a Name for Yourself. is your best friend! Actively tweet and make connections with reporters and PR professionals. Also it is a smart idea to comment on well-known, heavily followed blogs such as the blogs featured on alltop. Clean up your account; make sure that anything you post is something you wouldn’t find your employer finding.
- Be Proficient in New Technology. Being able to say that you have Search Engine Optimization (SEO) knowledge, can create a video news release, use twitter, and use social media monitoring services. This is an area where you can have more or better knowledge/experience than you employer does.
- Buy Thank You Cards. This may seem old-school, but you should never under estimate the power of good etiquette. There are many ways to follow-up, but adding a thank you card could be the little something extra that makes an employer spend a little more time looking at your résumé.
Christine Tsang
University of Minnesota
Blog Assignment
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Blog Assignment, Minnesota, Public Relations, University of Minnesota
Students from the University of Minnesota blogging again!
While this is part of a class assignment, I must stress that I am always interested in guest bloggers and would highly encourage you to write something for this blog if you have ideas. I am always excited to hear your thoughts and to read the posts of some future professionals.
I hope you enjoy their posts and that you will leave some good comments.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Announcement, , Minnesota, Public Relations, University of Minnesota
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thinking about my career development
What has happened to me? I used to be so intentional about thinking about my career development?
After graduating from the University of Minnesota I immediately got involved in the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). I was volunteering in all sorts of different non-profits and I was considering grad school. Since getting my MBA, what has changed?
I was at the Minnesota PRSA annual meeting last week and it occurred to me that I have spent the last two years of my career just surviving.
Listening to Minnesota PRSA's 2010 president Candee Wolf talk about volunteerism and the importance of Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) made me realize that I had forgotten about an important piece of my life - career and professional development. To drive home the point, Rick Kupchella was the keynote speaker.
Rick is the founder of Listening to Rick discuss his vision for his new venture inspired me to want to do more for my career. As I think about 2010, I want to set clear and achievable goals for my career, for this site and for my future. APR seems like a good place to start.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Professional Development, PRSA
Risdall Marketing Group Fires Up for bd’s Mongolian Grill
“We are looking to evolve our brand in the midst of our expansion, and with Risdall Marketing Group, we found a perfect partner who understands the bd’s Mongolian Grill brand – fun, lively and interactive,” said Denise Head, vice president of marketing for bd’s Mongolian Grill. “We are eager to tell the world what makes dining at bd’s Mongolian Grill an experience like no other.”
bd’s Mongolian Grill was founded in 1992 by Billy “bd” Downs in suburban Detroit . Now based in Burnsville , Minn. , the company is led by restaurant industry veterans Rodger Head, CEO, Clyde Culp and New York investment firm Kinderhook Industries. That group also owns Duke and King Acquisition Corp., which operates 97 Burger King franchises, most of which are in Minnesota .
“Just like the spirited approach to cooking that is the hallmark of bd’s Mongolian Grill, our work will evolve the brand in a fun and irreverent fashion,” said Rose McKinney , APR, president of Risdall McKinney Public Relations. “We are excited and thrilled to ‘Go Mongo’ for bd’s Mongolian Grill as it expands.”
At bd’s Mongolian Grill, diners create their own stir-fry feast from a variety of choice meats and seafood, fresh vegetables and flavor-packed sauces, which are then freshly cooked by grillers Mongolian-style on a large, flat grill. bd’s Mongolian Grill, based in Burnsville , Minn. , currently has 37 locations in 11 states.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, Marketing, Minnesota, New Client, Risdall
Monday, December 14, 2009
Muskin joins OLSON as interactive creative director
Scott Muskin has been added to the OLSON interactive team as a creative director, to work primarily on Target. Before joining OLSON, he was a freelance writer, working on his first novel, the Parthenon Prize-winning .
“Scott is the next-generation creative we look for, fluent in the possibilities of real and virtual worlds and a fiend for finding what’s next. He also comes to us with a ton of sheer craft,” says Tom Fugleberg, executive creative director, OLSON. “We couldn’t be more excited to have him here, for all our fiction and non-fiction needs.”
Scott graduated from Grinnell College, Grinnell, Ia, and holds an MFA from the University of Minnesota. He was previously a senior writer, interactive marketing, at Target. You can learn more about him and all his “fiction writing” at
“Scott is the next-generation creative we look for, fluent in the possibilities of real and virtual worlds and a fiend for finding what’s next. He also comes to us with a ton of sheer craft,” says Tom Fugleberg, executive creative director, OLSON. “We couldn’t be more excited to have him here, for all our fiction and non-fiction needs.”
Scott graduated from Grinnell College, Grinnell, Ia, and holds an MFA from the University of Minnesota. He was previously a senior writer, interactive marketing, at Target. You can learn more about him and all his “fiction writing” at
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: New Hire, Olson, Target
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Minneapolis-St. Paul office of Weber Shandwick today announced the promotion of five employees in the financial services practice.
Tonya Tennessen has been promoted to account group manager. Upon joining the agency three years ago, Tennessen emerged as a key leader for an award-winning, high-profile government campaign team, drawing on her strong background in public affairs and strategic media. Tennessen has also played a lead role in Weber Shandwick's pro-bono work and is active in the community, currently serving on the board of directors for the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, Tennessen served as managing communications director of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor party. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in English, economics and secondary English education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is an active member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
has been promoted to account supervisor. Most recently, her analytical skills have enabled her to provide mission-critical leadership to a series of highly visible programs for the 2010 Census, including a video podcast series recognized with a Bronze Anvil award by PRSA. Nelson serves on Minnesota PRSA’s Professional Development and Networking Committee. She is a graduate of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., with a bachelor of arts degree in public relations and English writing.
has been promoted to account executive. Since joining the agency in 2007, Mitchell has worked on several government communications programs, including the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service program. She also has emerged as a leader in social media. Additionally, she has been an integral team member of Financially Fit Minnesota, a program designed to strengthen the financial health and fitness of employees across Minnesota, and is an active member of PRSA, serving on the Minnesota PRSA Student Relations Committee. Mitchell graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a bachelor of arts degree in strategic communication.
has been promoted to account executive. Poferl joined the agency in 2007 and works on the 2010 Census account. In addition to his client work, Poferl was a part of Weber Shandwick’s 2008 pro bono account team for STARBASE, is a key player on the Financially Fit Minnesota team, an active member of PRSA and is a professional mentor for several college students. Poferl is a graduate of St. Cloud State University with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications, emphasizing public relations.
has been promoted to account executive. Since joining the agency in 2007, Rydland has contributed to the success of a financial services government campaign. Rydland is also an active member of Minnesota PRSA, contributing her talent to the Minnesota PRSA Student Relations Committee. Rydland holds a bachelor of arts degree in strategic communication from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Tonya Tennessen has been promoted to account group manager. Upon joining the agency three years ago, Tennessen emerged as a key leader for an award-winning, high-profile government campaign team, drawing on her strong background in public affairs and strategic media. Tennessen has also played a lead role in Weber Shandwick's pro-bono work and is active in the community, currently serving on the board of directors for the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, Tennessen served as managing communications director of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor party. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in English, economics and secondary English education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is an active member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
has been promoted to account supervisor. Most recently, her analytical skills have enabled her to provide mission-critical leadership to a series of highly visible programs for the 2010 Census, including a video podcast series recognized with a Bronze Anvil award by PRSA. Nelson serves on Minnesota PRSA’s Professional Development and Networking Committee. She is a graduate of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., with a bachelor of arts degree in public relations and English writing.
has been promoted to account executive. Since joining the agency in 2007, Mitchell has worked on several government communications programs, including the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service program. She also has emerged as a leader in social media. Additionally, she has been an integral team member of Financially Fit Minnesota, a program designed to strengthen the financial health and fitness of employees across Minnesota, and is an active member of PRSA, serving on the Minnesota PRSA Student Relations Committee. Mitchell graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a bachelor of arts degree in strategic communication.
has been promoted to account executive. Poferl joined the agency in 2007 and works on the 2010 Census account. In addition to his client work, Poferl was a part of Weber Shandwick’s 2008 pro bono account team for STARBASE, is a key player on the Financially Fit Minnesota team, an active member of PRSA and is a professional mentor for several college students. Poferl is a graduate of St. Cloud State University with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications, emphasizing public relations.
has been promoted to account executive. Since joining the agency in 2007, Rydland has contributed to the success of a financial services government campaign. Rydland is also an active member of Minnesota PRSA, contributing her talent to the Minnesota PRSA Student Relations Committee. Rydland holds a bachelor of arts degree in strategic communication from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Minnesota, Promotion, Public Relations, Weber Shandwick
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Minneapolis-St. Paul office of Weber Shandwick today announced the promotions of Angela Rolle, Jessica Mike, Jake Ricker, Chad Ballantyne and Natalie Horner in the consumer marketing practice.
has been promoted to account supervisor. Angie helps manage and execute public relations and consumer marketing programs, including national and local media relations initiatives, social media campaigns, new product introductions and special events, with an emphasis on youth marketing. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, Angie conducted public relations for the city of Duluth, Minn., assisting in promoting and generating media coverage of annual festivals and numerous city events and helping with crisis communications. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College, Angie holds a bachelor's degree in communication studies and English. Outside of work, Angie serves on the board of directors and chairs the marketing committee for The Link, a Minnesota non-profit that builds supportive communities for youth.
Jessica Mike has been promoted to senior account executive. Since joining Weber Shandwick as an account executive in July 2008, she has played a vital role on a broad range of account teams including Amway, the 2010 Census and Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI) and its subsidiary U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC). In addition to her client work, Jessica has applied her knowledge to Weber Shandwick’s pro bono projects that center on making a difference in the lives of Minnesota youth and families. Prior to joining the agency, she worked at a local PR firm where she helped execute media relations and strategic planning initiatives for organizations such as 3M and Vector Wealth Management. Jessica graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a B.A. in journalism with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in business administration.
Jake Ricker has been promoted to senior account executive. Since joining the agency in 2007, Jake has brought his experience in media and client relations, writing, new product launches and event planning to several consumer clients, including Polaris, CA and both the U.S. Army All-American Bowl and the U.S. Army Racing teams. In addition to his central role on multiple client teams, Jake is an active member of Weber Shandwick’s employee action group, a communications conduit between the agency’s staff and top-level management. Jake graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor’s degree in English.
has been promoted to account executive. Chad joined Weber Shandwick as an intern in 2007 and has since provided media relations, research and event support to a variety of consumer clients. Chad is an active member of the agency’s Team Inline, a group designed to help clients bridge the gap between online and offline media. Prior to joining the agency, Chad worked as a project manager for a commercial sign manufacturer and served as the director of communications and development for The Minnesota Daily. Chad graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor of arts in communication studies and minor in mass communications, as well as a management minor from the Carlson School of Management.
has been promoted to account executive. Since starting her career at Weber Shandwick, Natalie has worked with a variety of clients, including Land O’ Lakes, The Coca-Cola Company, Cargill, Egyptian Cotton, the 2008 CA Championship at Doral and The Allstate Foundation. Natalie has served on Weber Shandwick’s pro bono team, which focuses on working with nonprofit organizations to make a difference in the lives of Minnesota youth and families. A University of Wisconsin – Madison graduate, Natalie earned a bachelor of arts in journalism and mass communication and communication studies. Before joining Weber Shandwick, she worked in the University of Wisconsin – Madison Athletic Department and completed internships with the Minnesota Timberwolves and C.E.L. Public Relations.
has been promoted to account supervisor. Angie helps manage and execute public relations and consumer marketing programs, including national and local media relations initiatives, social media campaigns, new product introductions and special events, with an emphasis on youth marketing. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, Angie conducted public relations for the city of Duluth, Minn., assisting in promoting and generating media coverage of annual festivals and numerous city events and helping with crisis communications. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College, Angie holds a bachelor's degree in communication studies and English. Outside of work, Angie serves on the board of directors and chairs the marketing committee for The Link, a Minnesota non-profit that builds supportive communities for youth.
Jessica Mike has been promoted to senior account executive. Since joining Weber Shandwick as an account executive in July 2008, she has played a vital role on a broad range of account teams including Amway, the 2010 Census and Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI) and its subsidiary U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC). In addition to her client work, Jessica has applied her knowledge to Weber Shandwick’s pro bono projects that center on making a difference in the lives of Minnesota youth and families. Prior to joining the agency, she worked at a local PR firm where she helped execute media relations and strategic planning initiatives for organizations such as 3M and Vector Wealth Management. Jessica graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a B.A. in journalism with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in business administration.
Jake Ricker has been promoted to senior account executive. Since joining the agency in 2007, Jake has brought his experience in media and client relations, writing, new product launches and event planning to several consumer clients, including Polaris, CA and both the U.S. Army All-American Bowl and the U.S. Army Racing teams. In addition to his central role on multiple client teams, Jake is an active member of Weber Shandwick’s employee action group, a communications conduit between the agency’s staff and top-level management. Jake graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor’s degree in English.
has been promoted to account executive. Chad joined Weber Shandwick as an intern in 2007 and has since provided media relations, research and event support to a variety of consumer clients. Chad is an active member of the agency’s Team Inline, a group designed to help clients bridge the gap between online and offline media. Prior to joining the agency, Chad worked as a project manager for a commercial sign manufacturer and served as the director of communications and development for The Minnesota Daily. Chad graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor of arts in communication studies and minor in mass communications, as well as a management minor from the Carlson School of Management.
has been promoted to account executive. Since starting her career at Weber Shandwick, Natalie has worked with a variety of clients, including Land O’ Lakes, The Coca-Cola Company, Cargill, Egyptian Cotton, the 2008 CA Championship at Doral and The Allstate Foundation. Natalie has served on Weber Shandwick’s pro bono team, which focuses on working with nonprofit organizations to make a difference in the lives of Minnesota youth and families. A University of Wisconsin – Madison graduate, Natalie earned a bachelor of arts in journalism and mass communication and communication studies. Before joining Weber Shandwick, she worked in the University of Wisconsin – Madison Athletic Department and completed internships with the Minnesota Timberwolves and C.E.L. Public Relations.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Minnesota, Promotion, Public Relations, Weber Shandwick
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Ad Fed/Ad2 Holiday Party - Still time to register!
Join AdFed for a little revelry at on December 10 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in downtown Minneapolis. This year’s theme is inspired by the hit TV series “Mad Men” - a time when the ties were skinny and the ad budgets were fat. We’ll have a little holiday music, a silent auction (yes, Mad Men collectibles will be up for bid), plus plenty of food and drink.
In the spirit of those 2-3 hour lunches that ad execs took in the 1960’s, this year’s Holiday Party begins at 11:30 am, so don’t miss out! It’s a great opportunity to network with or collaborate with your peers in a relaxed, festive environment.
Be sure to wear your skinny tie and/or thick eyeliner. Vintage attire is admired but not required!
$35 nonmembers
$20 students
Register online or call the Ad Fed office at .
Cancellation/Refund/No-Show Policy: Cancellations received by the Ad Fed office at least 48 hours prior to the event are eligible for a refund of the registration fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received fewer than 48 hours prior to the event. No-shows will be billed for any unpaid registration fees.
In the spirit of those 2-3 hour lunches that ad execs took in the 1960’s, this year’s Holiday Party begins at 11:30 am, so don’t miss out! It’s a great opportunity to network with or collaborate with your peers in a relaxed, festive environment.
Be sure to wear your skinny tie and/or thick eyeliner. Vintage attire is admired but not required!
The Venue:
Radisson Plaza HotelThe Cost:
$25 members$35 nonmembers
$20 students
Register online or call the Ad Fed office at .
Cancellation/Refund/No-Show Policy: Cancellations received by the Ad Fed office at least 48 hours prior to the event are eligible for a refund of the registration fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received fewer than 48 hours prior to the event. No-shows will be billed for any unpaid registration fees.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Ad2, AdFed, Advertising, Minnesota
Monday, December 07, 2009
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
Marketing in the Green Era
How Is an Environmentally Conscious Corporate Culture Relevant to Market
How is an environmentally conscious corporate culture relevant to marketing? Hear from Benjamin Mattson of Chipotle and Melanee Megan of Peace Coffee on December 18 at 8:00am over breakfast as they discuss ways to integrate a company's commitment to going green with positive and successful marketing efforts. There will be a drawing for prizes to include products/items from Peace Coffee and Chipotle.
graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in advertising and public relations, and began his career at 3M as a public relations consultant. He has since acted as the sales/advertising manager at Wild Mountain, director of golf operations & marketing for the Luck Golf Course and Country Club in Northwest Wisconsin, and for the past five years served as a marketing consultant for Chipotle Mexican Grill. In his spare time, Ben is also a guest lecturer at the Carlson School of Management, Hamline University and the University of St. Thomas, speaking about advertising and branding.
is a Minneapolis native who grew up working in her parent's custom tailoring business in Uptown until attending Antioch College in Ohio where she received her B.A in International Business. Since returning to the Twin Cities 8 years ago, Meegan has been selling beans and pulling shots at Peace Coffee. In her role as marketing manager she manages the look and feel of its product and brand across a wide spectrum of print, radio and online mediums.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: AdFed, Advertising, Marketing, Minnesota, Public Relations
RMG adds seven new accounts in November
Risdall Marketing Group (RMG) continued to expand its client roster in November, with the firm adding and expanding seven accounts during the month. Since January 2009, RMG has added 88 new accounts.
“Clients are working to finish 2009 on a high note and continue that momentum to start 2010 with a bang,” said John Risdall , vice chairman and CEO of RMG. “Our integrated approach provides clients the means to achieve results that matter for their organization.”
RMG’s new and expanded accounts include:
- American Pest Solutions – Sponsored search marketing
- College of St. Scholastica – Online advertising and search marketing
- Huckleberry – Web support, internal identity documents, collateral development
- Lumens Integration, Inc. (an ASUS company) – Web site redesign including back-end application revision
- Med Supports – Sponsored search marketing
- Memoir of Me – Expanded engagement to include search marketing and social media marketing
- “See New Now” – Public relations and social media marketing
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, Marketing, Minnesota, New Client, Risdall
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Kohnstamm Hires Nelson and Boeser
St. Paul-based Kohnstamm Communications has added two new staff to bolster its growing organic and natural foods PR portfolio.
has been hired as an Account Executive and has joined as an Assistant Account Executive. Kate is formerly the senior publicist for Lola Red PR, and was a contributing editor for Minnesota Monthly. Sam Boeser is formerly an account assistant with Tunheim Partners, and a member of the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association. Both are graduates of the University of Minnesota.
has been hired as an Account Executive and has joined as an Assistant Account Executive. Kate is formerly the senior publicist for Lola Red PR, and was a contributing editor for Minnesota Monthly. Sam Boeser is formerly an account assistant with Tunheim Partners, and a member of the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association. Both are graduates of the University of Minnesota.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, Kohnstamm, Minnesota, New Hire, Public Relations
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The Minneapolis-St. Paul office of Weber Shandwick today announced the promotion of Lida Poletz to vice president in the financial services practice.
Since joining the agency in 2003, Poletz has been instrumental in developing, planning and executing the award-winning, high-profile U.S. Treasury campaign. For nearly two years, Poletz has directed the expansive account team, which includes a highly talented group in Minneapolis, as well as individuals in eight other Weber Shandwick and partner-agency offices. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, she was a senior financial journalist with Reuters.
With more than 15 years of communications, public relations and marketing experience, Poletz brings to her new position a proven history of successfully managing strategic communications programs, reaching hard-to-influence audiences and delivering measurable results.
Poletz holds an MBA and a master’s in journalism from Columbia University in New York, and she graduated magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism. Outside of work, she is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
“Lida is a major force and leader in the financial services practice. Her commitment to excellence is not only respected and revered by colleagues, but also by senior government officials,” said Barb Iverson, president of Weber Shandwick’s financial services industry practice.
Since joining the agency in 2003, Poletz has been instrumental in developing, planning and executing the award-winning, high-profile U.S. Treasury campaign. For nearly two years, Poletz has directed the expansive account team, which includes a highly talented group in Minneapolis, as well as individuals in eight other Weber Shandwick and partner-agency offices. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, she was a senior financial journalist with Reuters.
With more than 15 years of communications, public relations and marketing experience, Poletz brings to her new position a proven history of successfully managing strategic communications programs, reaching hard-to-influence audiences and delivering measurable results.
Poletz holds an MBA and a master’s in journalism from Columbia University in New York, and she graduated magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism. Outside of work, she is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
“Lida is a major force and leader in the financial services practice. Her commitment to excellence is not only respected and revered by colleagues, but also by senior government officials,” said Barb Iverson, president of Weber Shandwick’s financial services industry practice.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Minnesota, Promotion, Public Relations, Weber Shandwick
Monday, November 30, 2009
KraftMaid Cabinetry selects OLSON

“We were looking for a holistic partner that could bring new, better, different thinking to KraftMaid’s marketing program. And OLSON clearly demonstrated the passion and deep strategic understanding for our business we were looking for right from the beginning,” says Mara Villanueva-Heras, managing director, marketing, KraftMaid. “We have already built a great relationship—we’re very excited to begin work.”
“We’re honored to help KraftMaid redefine itself in this new economic reality. We knew after our first meeting these were people we really liked, and a brand we were excited about. OLSON looks forward to using traditional and nontraditional marketing approaches to help deliver the KraftMaid message,” says Kevin DiLorenzo, president, OLSON. “We already know we will take them in a distinctly new direction, that will certainly make them stand out. KraftMaid allows you to create a kitchen that reflects who you are and how you live.”
For more than 40 years, KraftMaid Cabinetry has been one of the nation’s largest manufacturers of semi-custom cabinetry. Today, KraftMaid continues to lead the industry in innovation and design with an extensive product selection featuring more than 100 trend-on door styles and more than 45 furniture-quality finishes. In 1990, KraftMaid was purchased by Masco Corporation of Taylor, Michigan, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of brand-name consumer products for the home and family. KraftMaid is the anchor brand of the Masco Retail Cabinet Group. All KraftMaid Cabinetry is backed by a limited lifetime warranty. For more information, visit
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Advertising, Marketing, Minnesota, New Client, Olson, Public Relations
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Red Kap work wear brand chooses OLSON

“Every day, six million people wear Red Kap clothing to work, but very few of them even realize it,” says Stephen Phanco. director of marketing, VF Imagewear. “We’ve hired OLSON to help change that.”
“Red Kap is the ultimate community brand, and it’s so right for the times,” says Kevin DiLorenzo, OLSON president. “The people who wear Red Kap to work today are the ones who keep our country moving, just like those who were wearing it back in 1923. Red Kap is an authentic work wear brand, not a fashion statement.”
As part of the world’s largest publicly owned apparel company, VF Imagewear, Red Kap, based in Nashville, Tenn., is part of a family of leading brands, such as Wrangler, Lee, The North Face, Vans, Reef, Jansport and many more, that provide complete apparel solutions.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: New Client, Olson
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Iverson appointed by the St. Thomas to serve on the Opus College of Business Executive Education Advisory Board
Barb Iverson, president of Weber Shandwick’s financial services industry practice, has been appointed by the University of St. Thomas to serve on the Opus College of Business Executive Education Advisory Board. This group of Twin Cities business and community leaders advises on matters that advance the mission of the Center for Business Excellence to build the leadership capacity of individuals and the organizations they serve.
“Barb is a well-respected leader and counselor, and we are delighted she is sharing her knowledge and expertise to support the work of the Center for Business Excellence at the University of St. Thomas,” said Sara Gavin, president of Weber Shandwick’s Minneapolis-St. Paul office.
“The University of St. Thomas is honored to have an individual with Barb’s experience and leadership skills provide us with advice and counsel on the educational programs that can best serve business executives and other leaders in the Twin Cities and beyond,” said Durwin A. Long, assistant dean, executive and professional development at the University of St. Thomas.
Iverson has more than 30 years of communications management experience in business, government and education. She has spoken at national forums on trends, issues and communications challenges facing the financial services industry. In addition, she has particular expertise in the banking, electronic payments and retirement services industries. Her practice group’s blog can be found at
“Barb is a well-respected leader and counselor, and we are delighted she is sharing her knowledge and expertise to support the work of the Center for Business Excellence at the University of St. Thomas,” said Sara Gavin, president of Weber Shandwick’s Minneapolis-St. Paul office.
“The University of St. Thomas is honored to have an individual with Barb’s experience and leadership skills provide us with advice and counsel on the educational programs that can best serve business executives and other leaders in the Twin Cities and beyond,” said Durwin A. Long, assistant dean, executive and professional development at the University of St. Thomas.
Iverson has more than 30 years of communications management experience in business, government and education. She has spoken at national forums on trends, issues and communications challenges facing the financial services industry. In addition, she has particular expertise in the banking, electronic payments and retirement services industries. Her practice group’s blog can be found at
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Weber Shandwick
Friday, November 20, 2009
CLS Hires Anna Morrison as Social Media Specialist
has been named social media specialist in the Minneapolis office of public relations firm Carmichael Lynch Spong, after previously serving as an intern for the agency. In this new role she is responsible for researching social media opportunities for client initiatives as well as advising client teams on strategic blogger relations and effective social media practices.
Morrison comes to Carmichael Lynch Spong from The Angel Foundation, a Minneapolis-based charitable organization working to fulfill unmet non-medical needs of adult cancer patients and their families. While there, she served as the public relations and communications intern where she planned, implemented and monitored a new social media initiative.
“We are so pleased to welcome Anna to Carmichael Lynch Spong,” says Douglas K. Spong, APR, president of the firm. “Her diverse work history, coupled with her knowledge of social media makes her a valuable addition to our team, and ensures continued expertise in the social media space for our clients.”
Prior to her role at The Angel Foundation, Morrison was a high school English teacher for Greenville-Weston High School in Greenville, Miss. She also served as the public relations and marketing intern for the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.
In her spare time, Morrison serves on a grant-making committee through the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, which gives grants to Minnesota nonprofits that work to build low-income girls’ future economic success.
Morrison received her bachelor of arts degree in English from Williams College in Williamstown, Mass. She has her masters in education from the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Miss.
Morrison comes to Carmichael Lynch Spong from The Angel Foundation, a Minneapolis-based charitable organization working to fulfill unmet non-medical needs of adult cancer patients and their families. While there, she served as the public relations and communications intern where she planned, implemented and monitored a new social media initiative.
“We are so pleased to welcome Anna to Carmichael Lynch Spong,” says Douglas K. Spong, APR, president of the firm. “Her diverse work history, coupled with her knowledge of social media makes her a valuable addition to our team, and ensures continued expertise in the social media space for our clients.”
Prior to her role at The Angel Foundation, Morrison was a high school English teacher for Greenville-Weston High School in Greenville, Miss. She also served as the public relations and marketing intern for the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.
In her spare time, Morrison serves on a grant-making committee through the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, which gives grants to Minnesota nonprofits that work to build low-income girls’ future economic success.
Morrison received her bachelor of arts degree in English from Williams College in Williamstown, Mass. She has her masters in education from the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Miss.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Carmichael Lynch Spong, New Hire, Public Relations, social media, Social Networking
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Minneapolis-based public relations agency Exponent PR announces the hiring of Annie Basinski and Matt DePoint.
has joined the agency as a senior associate on the Caribou Coffee, DuPont and Koala Ranch accounts. Basinski was previously in the Consumer Brands/Food & Nutrition department in the Chicago office of Edelman Worldwide where she oversaw a variety of well-known, national consumer food brands and nutrition commodity accounts including National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Heinz, Nestlé, Kraft, Hidden Valley Ranch, KC Masterpiece and the Mushroom Council.
has been added as an associate on the DuPont and Caribou Coffee accounts. He was previously at Minneapolis-based Tunheim Partners where he worked with a diverse group of consumer, pharmaceutical, education and agriculture clients including Target, Pfizer, The Minnesota Private College Council and No Name Steaks.
“We are extremely excited about these two great new additions to our team,” said Tom Lindell, managing director, Exponent PR. “Annie and Matt bring tremendous experience, energy and new ideas to the table to help fuel Exponent’s ongoing growth.”
In recent years, Exponent PR has received increased industry recognition and its client roster continues to expand with nationally recognized brands. After ending 2008 with three years of double-digit growth, the agency and its advertising partner Colle+McVoy continue to grow in 2009.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Exponent Public Relations, Minnesota, New Hire, Public Relations
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
GIVE NOW! - - Give to the Max Day!
"width="200">Today, Tuesday, November 17th, 2009, your gift to any nonprofit listed on will be matched, but only by using the website. The gift needs to be made by credit card. is an innovative online resource that is working to make giving a little easier while creating a stronger nonprofit community for Minnesota.
On November 17th, beginning NOW - 8:00 a.m. until a.m. November 18th, any credit card gift you give through will be matched by of a generous $500,000 grant from The Saint Paul Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation and Bush Foundation. The exact match amount per dollar donated will be determined when the Give to the Max Day is over. There will be additional cash awards to three organizations for the most individual donors.
You may have received this from charities you support, but two important charities to me include the following:
Association of the US Army - AUSA, General John W. Vessey Jr.
Thank you for considering a donation and maximizing your support through “Give to the Max Day!”
On November 17th, beginning NOW - 8:00 a.m. until a.m. November 18th, any credit card gift you give through will be matched by of a generous $500,000 grant from The Saint Paul Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation and Bush Foundation. The exact match amount per dollar donated will be determined when the Give to the Max Day is over. There will be additional cash awards to three organizations for the most individual donors.
You may have received this from charities you support, but two important charities to me include the following:
Association of the US Army - AUSA, General John W. Vessey Jr.
Thank you for considering a donation and maximizing your support through “Give to the Max Day!”
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Announcement, Charity
Monday, November 16, 2009
Managing Economic Challenges and Anticipating New Opportunities in 2010
Tumultuous financial markets and the economic recession have brought about many challenges for communications professionals over the past year. Declining profits, decreasing charitable contributions and tightening budgets have impacted corporations, government entities, agencies and nonprofits. At the same time, the inevitable economic recovery will likely provide opportunities for those who can weather the storm.
Jorg Pierach, President and Creative Director at Fast Horse, will provide an agency perspective and Marsha Pitts-Phillips, Public Relations Manager for Greater Twin Cities United Way, will represent the nonprofit sector in this executive roundtable discussion on managing the economic downturn and preparing for the recovery.
Details & Registration:
7:30 a.m. Registration, light breakfast and networking
8:00–9:00 a.m. Roundtable discussion
Fast Horse
PRSA Member - $30
Nonmember - $45
Registration closes at 5 p.m. on November 18.
Walk-in registration is an additional $5.
Register online or contact the PRSA office by November 18
Jorg Pierach, President and Creative Director at Fast Horse, will provide an agency perspective and Marsha Pitts-Phillips, Public Relations Manager for Greater Twin Cities United Way, will represent the nonprofit sector in this executive roundtable discussion on managing the economic downturn and preparing for the recovery.
Details & Registration:
7:30 a.m. Registration, light breakfast and networking
8:00–9:00 a.m. Roundtable discussion
Fast Horse
PRSA Member - $30
Nonmember - $45
Registration closes at 5 p.m. on November 18.
Walk-in registration is an additional $5.
Register online or contact the PRSA office by November 18
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Minnesota, Minnesota Public Relations Society of America, MN PRSA, Networking, PRSA
Friday, November 13, 2009
Generations: How Big is the Gap and Why is it RELEVANT?
We have four generations that are still active in the workplace: Silents, Boomers, GenX'ers and the Millennials. Does your marketing strategy cut through the clutter and resonate with each generation it targets? Or do you tend to fall into your own generational attitude and behavior? Find out at Ad Fed's luncheon presentation, "Generations: How Big is the Gap and Why is it RELEVANT?" on November 18 at Solera.
Guest speaker Chuck Underwood, host of the PBS series "America's Generations with Chuck Underwood," will discuss the dramatic differences among the generations, and why it is imperative for all marketers to understand the meaning behind these differences. He will help us appreciate the unique core values and career attitudes that each generation brings to their work. It is through this understanding that we can bridge the generation gaps with clients and customers, and achieve better sales results and customer satisfaction.
Underwood is the founder and principal of The Generational Imperative, an Ohio-based generational consulting firm. He consults and trains corporations and organizations on generational marketplace and workplace strategies. His clients include Macy's, Hewlett-Packard, Time Warner Cable and Coca-Cola. Underwood is a graduate of Ohio University School of Business.
Register online, or contact the Ad Fed office at .
When: Wednesday, November 18, 2009
11:15 am - 1:00 pm
$25 members
$50 non-members
$25 students
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
Guest speaker Chuck Underwood, host of the PBS series "America's Generations with Chuck Underwood," will discuss the dramatic differences among the generations, and why it is imperative for all marketers to understand the meaning behind these differences. He will help us appreciate the unique core values and career attitudes that each generation brings to their work. It is through this understanding that we can bridge the generation gaps with clients and customers, and achieve better sales results and customer satisfaction.
Underwood is the founder and principal of The Generational Imperative, an Ohio-based generational consulting firm. He consults and trains corporations and organizations on generational marketplace and workplace strategies. His clients include Macy's, Hewlett-Packard, Time Warner Cable and Coca-Cola. Underwood is a graduate of Ohio University School of Business.
Register online, or contact the Ad Fed office at .
When: Wednesday, November 18, 2009
11:15 am - 1:00 pm
$25 members
$50 non-members
$25 students
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: AdFed, Networking
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Let them know you care!
To celebrate Veterans day I am headed to an event at Minnesota Wire in Eau Claire, Wisconsin with the Vessey chapter of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) today.
The truth is Veterans Day is one of those occasions that seems to come and go without most people noticing. I encourage you to not let it slip by. Take a moment today to send a kind word to a veteran in your life. Here are some ideas of ways to let them know you care.
Let them know that you appreciate the sacrifices they've made and that you don't take their service for granted. As I reflect on my life and the freedom I have today, I am so thankful for those who have served, are serving and to those who have given their lives for my life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Thank you.
The truth is Veterans Day is one of those occasions that seems to come and go without most people noticing. I encourage you to not let it slip by. Take a moment today to send a kind word to a veteran in your life. Here are some ideas of ways to let them know you care.
Let them know that you appreciate the sacrifices they've made and that you don't take their service for granted. As I reflect on my life and the freedom I have today, I am so thankful for those who have served, are serving and to those who have given their lives for my life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Thank you.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Announcement
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Business Marteting Association - Making Better Marketing Decisions
November 17, 2009 - Making Better Marketing Decisions
You have great ideas for how to help the business. But you can't prove they'll work, and without absolute certainty, you can't convince others that they are worth implementing. This one-hour mini-workshop will help you answer the following key questions:
This event is sponsored by Online Marketing Connect (OMC).
Speakers: , Managing Partner at Marketing NPV
, CEO, Online Marketing Connect
When: Tuesday, November 17, 2009
7:30 a.m. Registration and breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Presentation
Minneapolis Golf Club
Cost: Members $30 / Non Members $45
Register Now
You have great ideas for how to help the business. But you can't prove they'll work, and without absolute certainty, you can't convince others that they are worth implementing. This one-hour mini-workshop will help you answer the following key questions:
- How can I define the benefits of proposed actions in a more financially astute manner?
- How can I credibly assess risks and uncertain paybacks when I have so little data or history to work with?
- How do I build a business case that gets respect for its thoughtfulness and discipline, even if it doesn't get funded?
This event is sponsored by Online Marketing Connect (OMC).
Speakers: , Managing Partner at Marketing NPV
, CEO, Online Marketing Connect
When: Tuesday, November 17, 2009
7:30 a.m. Registration and breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Presentation
Minneapolis Golf Club
Cost: Members $30 / Non Members $45
Register Now
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: BMA, Business Marketing Association, Networking
Monday, November 09, 2009
Axiom to help host "Me Time! Twitter Party" For Working Mothers
Axiom Marketing Communications is hosting the first-annual "Working Mother Me Time! Twitter Party" - an online, collaborative effort between Country Inns & Suites by Carlson and Working Mother Magazine. The event is set for Wednesday, 11/11 from 8:30-9:30 EST. Participants will explore the good and bad of business travel for working moms, leaving family behind and achieving inner harmony - aka "me time" - while on the road.
This is a first for Working Mother magazine - utilizing an online social networking opportunity to engage with its readers. Axiom's social media division will moderate and track response for both Working Mother and Country Inns, while fostering the deep-rooted relationships the boutique PR firm has with mom bloggers all across the country.
Participants who register before the event at the Working Mother Magazine Facebook page can win a plethora of prizes, including the Ultimate Retreat Package - 2 free nights at any Country Inns & Suites of their choice, a $300 airfare voucher and a $100 Visa gift card. Find more about the Twitter Party and RSVP to be eligible for the prizes by clicking here -
Anyone interesting in 'partying' can track the event on Twitter via the hashtag.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
The Minneapolis-St. Paul office of Weber Shandwick today announced the promotions of three colleagues in the Health Care practice.
Leslie Williamson has been promoted to account director. Williamson’s expertise includes issues and crisis management, thought leader program development, data publicity and product communications. Williamson graduated from the Honors College at the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in art history and completed graduate coursework at New York University’s Wagner School of Public Administration. Williamson joined Weber Shandwick in 2007.
Jackie Dummer has been promoted to senior account executive. Since joining Weber Shandwick in 2007, Dummer has led media relations efforts, provided account management support, managed a client’s social media presence on Twitter, and executed public affairs and public awareness campaign tactics. Dummer is an active member of the Minnesota chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and volunteers on the planning committee for the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota-North Dakota’s annual Memory Walk fundraiser. She graduated from Northern Michigan University with a bachelor’s degree in public relations and a minor in sociology.
has been promoted to account executive. Wright also joined Weber Shandwick in 2007. With strong media relations and special event planning skills, Wright has expanded her professional skill set to include coordinating executive visibility initiatives and managing projects. Wright holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication and communication studies from the University of Iowa.
Leslie Williamson has been promoted to account director. Williamson’s expertise includes issues and crisis management, thought leader program development, data publicity and product communications. Williamson graduated from the Honors College at the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in art history and completed graduate coursework at New York University’s Wagner School of Public Administration. Williamson joined Weber Shandwick in 2007.
Jackie Dummer has been promoted to senior account executive. Since joining Weber Shandwick in 2007, Dummer has led media relations efforts, provided account management support, managed a client’s social media presence on Twitter, and executed public affairs and public awareness campaign tactics. Dummer is an active member of the Minnesota chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and volunteers on the planning committee for the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota-North Dakota’s annual Memory Walk fundraiser. She graduated from Northern Michigan University with a bachelor’s degree in public relations and a minor in sociology.
has been promoted to account executive. Wright also joined Weber Shandwick in 2007. With strong media relations and special event planning skills, Wright has expanded her professional skill set to include coordinating executive visibility initiatives and managing projects. Wright holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication and communication studies from the University of Iowa.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Minnesota, Promotion, Public Relations, Weber Shandwick
Friday, November 06, 2009
The Minneapolis-St. Paul office of Weber Shandwick today announced the promotion of Brooke Worden, APR, to vice president in the financial services practice.
During Worden’s 10-year tenure with the firm, she has consistently produced measurable results for many of the firm’s marquee financial services and government clients. She has delivered communications programs for Prudential Retirement, Allianz Life, CIGNA Retirement, ING, the Business Roundtable/Pension Coalition, U.S. Treasury, U.S. Mint and the Internal Revenue Service. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, Worden began her career in management consulting at Accenture and was also a reporter at Twin Cities Business.
Currently, Worden leads the Weber Shandwick U.S. Census Bureau team nationwide. She has been instrumental in developing the public relations strategy for the 2010 Census, which includes earned media, executive visibility, media training, digital media, and multicultural media briefings.
Worden graduated magna cum laude from Hamline University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and political science and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She is an active member of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), and was elected to Minnesota PRSA’s board of directors in 2006. She currently serves on the Minnesota PRSA Executive Committee. Worden earned her Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) in 2005, and also served as a Minnesota PRSA delegate to last year’s PRSA National Assembly.
“Brooke is an accomplished practitioner and leader who contributes enormously to our clients, our financial services expertise, and our Minneapolis office by adding her broad experience, professional depth and winning attitude,” said Barb Iverson, president of Weber Shandwick’s financial services practice.
During Worden’s 10-year tenure with the firm, she has consistently produced measurable results for many of the firm’s marquee financial services and government clients. She has delivered communications programs for Prudential Retirement, Allianz Life, CIGNA Retirement, ING, the Business Roundtable/Pension Coalition, U.S. Treasury, U.S. Mint and the Internal Revenue Service. Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, Worden began her career in management consulting at Accenture and was also a reporter at Twin Cities Business.
Currently, Worden leads the Weber Shandwick U.S. Census Bureau team nationwide. She has been instrumental in developing the public relations strategy for the 2010 Census, which includes earned media, executive visibility, media training, digital media, and multicultural media briefings.
Worden graduated magna cum laude from Hamline University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and political science and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She is an active member of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), and was elected to Minnesota PRSA’s board of directors in 2006. She currently serves on the Minnesota PRSA Executive Committee. Worden earned her Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) in 2005, and also served as a Minnesota PRSA delegate to last year’s PRSA National Assembly.
“Brooke is an accomplished practitioner and leader who contributes enormously to our clients, our financial services expertise, and our Minneapolis office by adding her broad experience, professional depth and winning attitude,” said Barb Iverson, president of Weber Shandwick’s financial services practice.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Minnesota, Promotion, Public Relations, Weber Shandwick
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Outdoor Writers Association Call for Speakers
Rochester will be home to the 2010 Outdoor Writers Association of America Convention. I was contacted by the organization to put out a call to anyone that may want to speak or who have clients that would like to speak at this event. You can get more information on the 2010 Outdoor Writers Association -
The conference will be held on June 10-13, 2010 in Rochester at the Kahler hotel.
The conference will be held on June 10-13, 2010 in Rochester at the Kahler hotel.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: OWAA
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Join Minnesota Women in Marketing and Communications!
Minnesota Women in Marketing and Communications (MWMC) is the professional association of choice for women in marketing and communications. MWMC was launched on September 1, 2006, by a group of Twin Cities’ women who felt there was a need for a locally focused organization whose resources could be completely dedicated to meeting the career development and networking needs of Minnesota women in marketing and communications professions. In its short history, MWMC has attracted a growing number of members who have made it their professional association of choice. MWMC’s broad range of activities and benefits are designed to attract and serve members who are from diverse communications disciplines and at various points in their communications careers. More information regarding MWMC can be found at .
Member Benefits
MWMC members have access to a variety of career development and networking opportunities:
- Women @ Work Workshops: Members receive discounted rates and speaking opportunities at our in-depth workshops designed to hone and develop attendees’ professional skills.
- Learning Lunches: Members receive discounted rates at our short-format programs designed to provide information on communications trends and best practices.
- Networking Events: Members receive discounted rates to our ongoing events providing a social atmosphere to share with others and to strengthen professional networks.
- Monthly Newsletter, “Member to Member”: Our monthly newsletter features industry-related articles, chapter updates, and member news. Members also have the opportunity to write articles for the newsletter or purchase advertising at a reduced rate.
- Web Site: The members-only portion of our Web site offers access to newsletter archives, membership directory, and other membership materials. New Web site coming in January 2010!
- Membership Directory: All members receive a print and electronic version of our annual membership directory.
- Leadership Opportunities: Volunteer positions are available on MWMC committees as well as the board of directors, which give members the opportunity to expand their skills and industry contacts.
- Member Benefit Partners: MWMC will provide visibility opportunities to our member benefit partners including: Promotion of its member benefit offerings throughout MWMC communications to members and prospects via our Web site, e-newsletter, newsletter, events, and membership kit; the opportunity to write a guest column related to your area of expertise in one of our newsletters; and a special nametag to wear when attending our events which will refer to you as a partner of our organization.
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Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Minnesota Women in Marketing and Communications, MWMC, Networking
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
Businesses learn to “adapt or die” with Risdall Marketing Group
To survive, brands must evolve – or go the way of the dinosaur.
As a show of goodwill to current and prospective clients, Risdall Marketing Group (RMG) has been hosting “Adapt or Die” seminars through its Risdall Seminar Series. The first three sessions – on search engine optimization, sponsored search marketing and social media – have drawn increasing larger audiences, with approximately 200 total attendees. “The sessions have been really good, informative and interesting,” said Michelle Lebow from Memoir of Me. “I have enjoyed the changing of presenters and the panel discussions.”
As a show of goodwill to current and prospective clients, Risdall Marketing Group (RMG) has been hosting “Adapt or Die” seminars through its Risdall Seminar Series. The first three sessions – on search engine optimization, sponsored search marketing and social media – have drawn increasing larger audiences, with approximately 200 total attendees. “The sessions have been really good, informative and interesting,” said Michelle Lebow from Memoir of Me. “I have enjoyed the changing of presenters and the panel discussions.”
“The resounding success of these seminars punctuates that businesses are hungry to learn how to survive and thrive with the new ways of marketing,” said Ted Risdall, chairman of RMG. “Attendees have learned how to breathe life into their brands and the way they communicate with customers, keeping their businesses from extinction.”
A fourth session, on reputation, will be held at the RMG offices on December 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.:
Evolving Your Reputation
Brands are only as good as the reading on today’s reputation barometer. When it’s positive, brands thrive. However, brand reputation is never static and continually evolves. At the brand-reputation seminar, you will learn how to establish a thought leadership culture for your organization that:
- Defines and demonstrates your brand
- Creates opportunities to future proof your brand
- Protects brand reputation from marketplace threats
- Instills confidence with the executive team and other stakeholders.
The upcoming seminar costs $97.50 per person and includes breakfast and lunch. To register, visit
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Marketing, Networking, Public Relations, Risdall, Risdall McKinney
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