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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Changing the Channel
No, this is not a post about television and the ratings game. Rather the natural infatuation with a new toy and PR people are no different. As a group, I would say PR pros are intellectually curious and seem to have a wide variety of interests that span well beyond what’s on television tonight to fill the time. Continuous learning and experimenting is one of the ways that top communicators remain in touch with their particular target audience and understand what the audience will need next. So where’s the problem? Everything I’ve raised so far is good right? Well, don’t fall in love with a channel.
I enjoy so much of the new technology that is currently available to us. allows your audience to have a much more connected experience with your company or product; can serve as an excellent source for real-time search with millions of users broadcasting news or opinions relevant to them at any point in time; users view two billion videos a day; and Foursquare is just tapping into its full potential as a retail engagement tool that will further increase loyalty to a particular location as more and more venues begin to offer benefits to users. What about others that don’t get the media attention but have really transformed how we can work? is an outstanding resource that can extend your content and be extremely valuable to others. is viewed by some as a dinosaur but it is underutilized as a data mine for connecting to others all over the world.
Here’s the thing though, how are you feeling about that huge MySpace investment you made? Who remembers Friendster? How about Yahoo 360? And there is core the point of this post. Right now, social media is an essential and a bit trendy part of the PR person’s toolbox and I believe it will continue to be for the foreseeable future. However, as counselors that have a responsibility to our employers and clients, we must remain focused on the objectives we have for social media to engage with the audience that is appropriate for the project rather than the one we think is “hot” or our own favorite. The landscape changes quickly and if you lose sight of the goal and focus on the shiny new object you might wind up left behind. Below is an excerpt from an Information Week article discussing a new channel for B-2-B companies.
The real value of XXXXXXXXX for Cisco is the opportunity for spontaneous customer interaction, said Christian Renaud, chief architect of networked virtual environments for Cisco. "It's like a birds-of-a-feather session that goes on 'round the clock," he said. He routinely encounters customers XX XXXXXXXXX who want to talk to him about their needs and what they want Cisco to do. "I bump into customers and partners multiple times a day XXXXXXXXXXXXX. In 11 years at Cisco, walking through the parking lot in San Jose, I never get people that come up to me and say, 'I'm a Cisco customer, have a second?'"
Sounds like a pretty amazing channel for connecting doesn’t it? Any good PR pro must be on top of this. If you’d like to fill in the blanks you can visit the original article here. Yep, for those that were there, this was the pending glory known as…wait for it…Second Life, a mere three years ago. Companies were clamoring to spend money there. I was told it was going to change “everything” for the industry.
Love the engagement; don’t fall in love with the tools.
Posted by dfolkens Links to this post
Tags: Communications, Facebook, Foursquare, i, Job\, new technology, PR, Slideshare, social media, Twitter, YouTube
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Olson promotes Slinde Bastian to account director
Bastian joined after a stint in Zimbabwe with her family, where she lived after leaving Carmichael Lynch Spong in 2002. She began her career at a German fashion and retail agency and holds a degree in journalism from Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa.
“Jennifer has an amazing ability to take some of OLSON’s most complex business and reduce it down to its essence. She has been associated with industry award-winning work, including Jay Chiat Awards and Effies — demonstrating her strategic ability to develop programs for clients that truly deliver return on investment,” says Kevin DiLorenzo, president and CEO, OLSON. “And with all her health care client experience, we’re hoping she’ll be ready this year to do our agency flu shots too.”
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: i, Job\, Marketing, Olson, Promotion, Public Relations
Block joins Haberman's Executive Team
Block will be leading and growing client engagements to help tell the stories of pioneering and socially responsible organizations. Throughout his 25+ year career, Block has specialized in building client relationships, developing new business, creating branding and communication strategies, recruiting and managing creative resources and improving marketing performance. Eric’s experience has included leading highly effective branding solutions for a wide range of clients including Coca-Cola, United Airlines, Federal Express, Jim Beam Brands, HandsOn Network, and Panera Bread.
"What attracted me to Haberman is its mission and its people. This team has an incredible track record of helping values-based organizations tell their unique stories,” Block said. "All trends point to the fact that people are increasingly interested in doing business with socially responsible companies. As the lines between marketing, PR, communication and social responsibility continue to blur, great stories of doing good need to be told in a compelling fashion and permeate all facets of the brand experience.”
Fred Haberman, co-founder and CEO of Haberman commented, “We are building the agency of the future, an agency that serves the increased social and environmental awareness of corporations, organizations and consumers worldwide. Eric’s extensive experience in virtually all marketing disciplines complements our distinctive approach to telling the stories of brand pioneers who are making a difference in the world—be they small or large, new or established. This positions us to deliver on our clients’ desire for more capabilities and solutions from our firm.”
Block’s work experience includes 17 years with Fallon Worldwide, most recently as Chief Operating Officer. At Fallon, he was the chief architect of the company’s global expansion and broadened integrated marketing capabilities. In 2004, he left Fallon to become one of the founding partners of Duffy & Partners, the internationally recognized branding and design firm, where he led operations and business development efforts and served as senior strategist for branding initiatives for key clients.
Before joining Fallon, Block was VP/Creative Services for Fox Television in Los Angeles, where he helped launch FOX, the fourth television network. He began his career in the television industry.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Haberman, i, Job\, Marketing, Media Relations, New Hire, Public Relations
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
MWMC - Seasoned Professionals Event: Camera Ready!
October 7, 5:30 pm–8:00 pm
- Location: Vescio’s Cucina | ,
- Website:
- Non-members are welcome at this event.
- Paid registration is required.
MWMC members: $15.00 Non-members: $20.00
Event Information
Presentation by Cindy and Brad Martin of bSharp Creative and Debra Fisher Goldstein of Gold Fish Communications.MWMC Seasoned Professionals will kick off their year with an exploration of video and photography. Cindy and Brad Martin of bSharp Creative will talk about video in communications, including YouTube. Debra Fisher Goldstein of Gold Fish Communications will tell the story of her journey into photography at the Minnesota State Fair. Event registration includes appetizers and a cash bar is available.
Register now online>
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, i, Job\, Minnesota Women in Marketing and Communications, MWMC, Twin Cities
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Did the Public Relations Industry Miss the Cluetrain?
I recently revisited "The Cluetrain Manifesto," which, written more than 10 years ago, has been hailed for its' forward-thinking and relevance, especially in today's social media world. In the manifesto, the authors (Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and David Weinberger) assert that the Internet and "human to human" conversations will be the "end of businesses as usual."
With that perspective, they had quite a bit to say about the PR industry, and how the very nature of the century-old practice may be counter-intuitive to this new era of business.
"Ironically, Public Relations has a huge PR problem: people use it as synonym for BS...Everyone--including many PR people--senses that something is deeply phony about the profession."
However, that's not to say there's not a place for PR. It's that the industry, like all others, need to adapt to online communications:
"In the age of the Web where hype blows up in your face and spin gets taken as an insult, the real work of PR will be more important than ever."
This leaves me to wonder...has the public relations industry stepped up to the plate, or did we miss the Cluetrain?
Let's take a look at some of the concepts and quotes from the book...
Do you place value on relationships, engagement, and quality of conversation, or measuring success by media placement, hits, and ad equivalency?
"As soon as I stopped strategizing how to 'get ink' for the company that was paying my salary, as soon as I stopped seeing journalists as a source of free advertising for my employer, I started having genuine conversations with genuinely interesting people...That's how I discovered PR doesn't work and markets are conversations."
Are you telling stories or pushing positioning statements? Are you truly "relating to the public?"
Read a recent press release or pitch. Does it sound like a robot or a human?
" were: conversations between people who sought out others who shared the same interests. Buyers had as much to say as sellers. They spoke directly to each other without the filter of the media, the artifice of positioning statements, the arrogance of advertising, or the shading of public relations."
The rise in popularity of social media allows us to go back to our human nature. To have conversations with like-minded individuals. To level the playing field. Breakdown the firewall.
Are you having conversations?
Keep in mind, it's not a conversation unless it goes two-ways, which requires some listening. Pushing out a news release is not a conversation. Pitching a "news story" is not a conversation. Listening to journalists, bloggers and influencers, learning their interests and expertise, and telling a story to someone genuinely interested in what you have to say? That's the heart of conversation.
"Conversations are where ideas happen and partnerships are have a conversation, you have to be comfortable being human. You can only have a conversation if you're not afraid to be wrong...conversations occur only between equals."
Be human? Be wrong? That's a scary proposition.
No company wants to place themselves in a vulnerable position, and no PR professional wants to be the sitting duck protecting that vulnerability. That's why, traditionally, we've protected the message, and controlled the spread of information. Problem? That doesn't work in social conversations among humans.
"Controlling information is like trying to control a conversation. It can't be done and still be genuine."
Now, consider this: for decades, PR professionals have, via press releases and pitches, "let go" of the message with the hope and faith that the journalists who "picked it up" would translate positively. Have we been able to translate that same faith to social media?
In this medium, we have an "economy of voice" and conversations are currency.
What is your voice? And, are you helping clients to find theirs?
"There's an inherent pomposity in much of what passes for corporate communication today. Missing are the voice, humor and simple sense of worth and honesty that characterize person-to-person conversation."
So, ten years ago, The Cluetrain Manifesto professed that PR industry (and others) needed to radically shift the way in which they'd been operating for decades. To let go of the processes and systems that separated brands from their public. To listen first and talk second. Basically...
"Losen up. Lighten up. And, shut up for a while."
And, if they didn't, the might face their ultimate demise:
"Organizations myst encourage and engage in genuine conversation with workers and markets-or go belly up."
The manifesto is now ten years old. The press release has not died, nor has the PR industry.
Did we totally miss the Cluetrain? Is it too late to hop on? Or, was it all an illusion?
Kary Delaria is Vice President of Kane Consulting, a social media marketing and PR firm that specializes in strategy, integration and measurement. You can contact her via email, or on Twitter.
Tags: Cluetrain Manifesto, i, Job\, Kary+Delaria, PR, Public Relations
Thursday, September 23, 2010
MWMC - Seasoned Professionals Event
Thursday, October 7, 2010
5:30 p.m. Registration; 6:00 p.m. Program
Vescio’s Cucina
Presentation by Cindy and Brad Martin of bSharp Creative and Debra Fisher Goldstein of Goldfish Communications
Minnesota Women in Marketing and Communications (MWMC) Seasoned Professionals will kick off their year with an exploration of video and photography. Cindy and Brad Martin of bSharp Creative will demonstrate how they use video in communications, including YouTube. Debra Fisher Goldstein of Goldfish Communications will tell the story of her journey into photography at the Minnesota State Fair. Event registration includes appetizers and a cash bar is available.
Seating is limited! Register online at
Non-members are welcome at this event.
Paid registration is required.
NOTE: If you plan to register at the door, MWMC can only accept payment via cash or check; credit cards will not be accepted the night of the event.
MWMC members: $15
Non-members: $20
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, i, Job\, Minnesota Women in Marketing and Communications, MWMC, Networking
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Carmichael Lynch Promotes Carolyn Ahlstrom to Senior Brand Planner
Before joining Carmichael Lynch, Ahlstrom served as a brand planner for Fallon in Minneapolis, providing strategic planning on the Purina Latin America, Boston Market, Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express accounts. She also served as a cognitive anthropologist for Crispin Porter + Bogusky in Boulder, Colo., where she conducted primary research and provided strategic insights for Volkswagen and Domino’s Pizza.
“Carolyn is an enthusiastic and dedicated professional,” says Mike Lescarbeau, CEO, Carmichael Lynch. “She has a knack for developing a vision for our clients and is diligent in everything she does. Carolyn is very deserving of this recognition.”
Ahlstrom is a graduate of the University of Minnesota’s school of journalism, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in professional strategic communications with an emphasis in advertising.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Advertising, Carmichael Lynch, i, Job\, Minnesota, Promotion, Twin Cities
Meet & Mingle at McGovern’s - Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hosted by Beehive PR, this event will allow you to network with other public relations professionals while learning more about an up-and-coming PR agency.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
5:30–7:00 p.m.
(5:30 p.m. check-in)
5:30–7:00 p.m.
(5:30 p.m. check-in)
Price increases by $5 after October 8 and must be paid at the door.
Appetizers are included.
One drink ticket ($5 maximum
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: i, Job\, Minnesota Public Relations Society of America, MN PRSA, PRSA, Twin Cities
Agency Profile – Maccabee Group Public Relations

In an industry prone to turf battles, Maccabee Group embraces a collaborative philosophy that puts clients first, agency hubris last. Rather than force clients to use “in-network” agencies to drive profits to holding companies, independently-owned Maccabee Group balances its own capabilities with graphic design, event marketing, sales promotion, interactive and SEO services from other best-of-breed firms. That collegial attitude inspired Medvec Eppers Advertising to enthuse, “Maccabee Group is hands down the Best Damn PR Firm Period.” Experiential agency Innova Marketing adds: “Innova has worked side-by side with a lot of agencies, but Maccabee Group’s the best of them – truly collaborative, creative and competent, with lots of trust, no egos and great results for clients.”
Nationally recognized for its creativity, Maccabee Group broke a Guinness Record with OfficeMax’s World’s Largest Rubberband Ball, hired Pet Psychics to read the minds of cats and dogs for PETCO stores, employed a Gypsy fortuneteller to dramatize palm reading technology for Internet Service Provider, VISI; carved Jesse Ventura out of 5,000 pounds of Kemps Ice Cream and used Dueling Elvis Presley impersonators to drive sales of M & M/Mars candy.
Maccabee Group’s strength is in concepting game-changing programs that move client companies to their next level of growth. Consider the “Stand Up For Your Right to Write Checks” consumer advocacy campaign for Deluxe Corp; the pathbreaking “Four Generations Overcoming Addiction” and “Making Recovery America’s Business” public education programs for Hazelden; the “Keeping Sexual Intimacy Alive” healthcare marketing campaign with Dr. Ruth Westheimer for American Medical Systems; and the “Bring Home the Bac-O’s” cause marketing initiative, which earned Maccabee and General Mills a “Best PR Campaign of the Year” award.
Maccabee Group’s NODE online practice guides clients to the most effective use of Web assets, interactive technologies and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Maccabee Group – winner of “Best Interactive Viral Promotion” from Promo magazine for its ElfYourself campaign for OfficeMax – offers clients proprietary Web planning and online reputation measurement tools that drive powerful engagement with clients’ most important audiences.
Walk into Maccabee Group’s headquarters in Minneapolis, and you’ll sense the agency’s high-energy culture -- a jukebox stuffed with 1950s R & B, a rotating disco ball and an animated Elvis Presley robot head, and a “College of Marketing Knowledge” library that back up NODE Presents events and other professional development workshops for employees.
“The lifeblood of any PR agency is trust,” says president Paul Maccabee. “Building trust with consumers, keeping trust with clients, reinforcing trust with media, bloggers and other influencers who affect a company’s success.” Maccabee Group’s integrity has attracted socially responsible groups like Go Organic for Earth Day and Sunrise Community Banks. It’s led the agency to champion domestic partnership legislation for gays with a coalition of 30 other creative agencies; pursue pro bono work for Sierra Club Minnesota; and turn down the opportunity to promote casinos, liquor and nuclear weapons. Go figure, a PR agency with a conscience?
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Agency Profile, i, Job\, Maccabee Group, PR, PR Agency, Public Relations
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Fast Horse launches “Intern-For-A-Day” program
Since activating the page, Fast Horse has hired a few interns it met through the page. Today it started The Fast Horse Experience Intern for a Day program in which the firm will put out calls for guest posts for its blog, The Idea Peepshow, once every two months. Interested applicants will then have two weeks to send a post and Fast Horse will pick its favorite and publish it on the blog. The agency will also hire that person for a one-day paid internship.
Along with the guest blogging gig and one-day (eight hours, $12/hour) contract to work at Fast Horse, each intern will get an office tour, free lunch, and the opportunity to showcase his or her creativity, do real client work and get a sense of what agency life is like.
The call goes out to anyone. Any age with any set of interests or skills. The only requirement is that applicants be a member of Fast Horse’s Facebook page. After the intern-for-a-day is selected, Fast Horse will tailor the work day to fit the winner’s interests. The winners can pick their day — and if they aren’t based in the Twin Cities or able to make the trip, they can , or work outside of Fast Horse walls for the day and keep in touch via phone/email/Skype, etc.
Here are the application instructions for the first open call - which starts today:
- Write a blog post on the broad subject of your reaction to a marketing campaign or message that caught your attention recently. Whether you found it to be effective or poorly done, just make sure to tell why.
- Send the post to by 5 p.m. Oct. 4
- Keep the posts to about 400 words
- If you’d rather submit a video, MP3 of a podcast, collection of photos telling a story, or whatever else, feel free to do so
Each of the following open calls will be made on Fast Horse’s Facebook page, so ‘like’ the page and visit the ‘Discussions’ tab for questions about this program.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, i, Integrated Communications, Internship, Job\, Marketing, Minnesota, Public Relations
Monday, September 20, 2010
Journey to My Job: Kasey Skala
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Kasey Skala |
1. Tell me about your career path so far, and how you found each of your jobs.
Prior to my current position at Great Clips, I spent five years in the financial industry working at both small financial firms and large banking institutions. Also, other than my current position, all my jobs were the result of a professional connection referring me.
2. Describe what you do in your current position at Great Clips.
My role with Great Clips has a mix of responsibilities, with my primary duties being geared toward overall corporate and brand communications – focusing on both internal communication with stylists and external corporate relations efforts. Additionally, I am responsible for our online communication work.
3. What worked well for you in your most recent job search?
The thing that I feel was most beneficial was simply meeting with other professionals and companies regardless of whether or not they had open positions. By getting my name out and forming relationships, I didn’t have to go through the job search by myself. It made the process a lot less stressful knowing that I had others keeping their eye open for me and passing along opportunities they came across.
The thing that I feel was most beneficial was simply meeting with other professionals and companies regardless of whether or not they had open positions. By getting my name out and forming relationships, I didn’t have to go through the job search by myself. It made the process a lot less stressful knowing that I had others keeping their eye open for me and passing along opportunities they came across.
4. What would you have done differently in your most recent job search?
Job searching can be quite stressful and you can lose hope quickly. In the beginning, I think I took the process a bit too personal and got down on myself if I didn’t get an interview or got passed over for another candidate. It took a while to realize that it’s not personal and that I needed to keep my head up and continue to plug away.
5. What advice do you have for job seekers today?
Network. The community in Minneapolis is such a social and supportive group that you’re only doing yourself a disservice if you aren’t attending events, having coffee with professionals and getting your name out there. Recommendations go a long way in our industry and you never know who or where your next lead will come from.
Also, I’d preach patience. Be picky and make sure you find the right fit. Don’t jump at every opening you see. While it might be frustrating not having a job or being in a position you don’t enjoy, it’ll be a lot worse having to go through the job search a second time.
Connect with Kasey through or .
Posted by Brant Skogrand Links to this post
Tags: Great Clips, i, Job\, Journey+to+My+Job, Minnesota, Public Relations, Twin Cities
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Olson promotes Linder from new biz director to VP
“Ryan’s hard work has really helped land us where we are today — one of the top 10 independent agencies in the United States,” says Kevin DiLorenzo, president and CEO, OLSON. “He uses his diverse and integrated background to drive the development of strategic and creative brand communications. With Ryan’s help, in just the last two years, OLSON has experienced phenomenal growth and recognition.”
“My proudest moments happen every time we pursue and secure new client partnerships,” says Ryan Linder, OLSON’s marketing director, VP. “Success in agency business development relies heavily on team chemistry and expertise, and OLSON’s collective and perfectly focused team effort has allowed us to experience success even during this most recent turbulent economic period.”
Ryan holds a degree in advertising and public relations, and is pursuing an MBA at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis. He and his wife have two small boys — which means when he rides his semi-custom motorcycle he always wears his helmet.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Advertising, i, Job\, Marketing, Minnesota, Olson, Promotion, Public Relations, Twin Cities
Risdall adds Ten New Accounts in July and August
“There is no one size fits all program for our clients,” said John Risdall, vice chairman and CEO of RMG. “Our approach and execution echoes the driving needs of each company – whether it’s expanding website presence, supporting ongoing education programs or launching a new brand.”
· Cumberland Dental, affiliate of client Metro Dentalcare – Website
· Documentis – Branding and market development
· Elkay Manufacturing – Website
· Hennepin County Environmental Services–Campaign support
· Northern Clay Center – Advertising and media strategy
· Orthodontic Care Specialists, affiliate of client Metro Dentalcare – Website
· Steven Community Apartments – Website and promotions
· Topline Federal Credit Union – SEO
· University of Minnesota College of Science & Engineering – Marketing communications plan positioning and 75th anniversary
· World Data Products – Website and SEO
Through the first half of 2010, the firm has added or expanded engagements with 65 organizations. In 2009, RMG added 106 new or expanded accounts.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: i, Job\, Marketing, Minnesota, New Client, Risdall, Twin Cities
April Nelson has joined Beehive PR as an account director
Before joining Beehive, Nelson was an account supervisor at Weber Shandwick, where she helped lead the national public relations campaign for the 2010 U.S. Census. She also represented clients Prudential Retirement, Amway and the YMCA of North America. Nelson previously led public affairs efforts at Education Minnesota and corporate communications for PLATO Learning. Her award-winning work has been recognized by the national and Minnesota chapters of PRSA, Minnesota IABC, PR Week and the American Federation of Teachers.
A summa cum laude graduate of Concordia College, Nelson earned a bachelor’s degree in public relations with a minor in English. She also earned a project management certificate from the University of St. Thomas. She is a member of Minnesota PRSA, the Education Writer’s Association and the Association of Education Publishers.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Beehive PR, i, Job\, Minnesota, New Hire, Public Relations, Twin Cities
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Where do geeks go to find out what’s new in the fast-paced world of interactive
Created and hosted by Minneapolis-based interactive development shop, and its parent company ILM, the event showcases the latest in mobile apps, software technology and all things Web 4.0 with developers from some the hottest boutique advertising and digital agencies to software giant Microsoft.
Wed., Sept. 29th
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sheraton Bloomington Hotel
7800 Normandale Blvd.
“The conference is designed to highlight the latest advancements developers will use to create the next iPhone app everyone will be talking about, or build an internationally-renowned consumer brand Web site,” said , founder of the event and ILM/Fusion Room’s president and chief architect. “I feel the event is delivering what the industry demands as the conference has practically doubled from the first year to an expected 400 this year.”
See the full agenda and speakers here.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Advertising, Communications, i, Interactive, Job\, Minnesota, Twin Cities
Carmichael Lynch Spong Celebrates 20 Years of Delighting Clients
“I am honored to celebrate the past 20 years and raise my glass to the next 20,” said Douglas K. Spong, APR, founder and president of Carmichael Lynch Spong. “Over the past two decades I’ve had the privilege of working hand-in-glove with some of the most envied clients and high achieving PR professionals to entrench Carmichael Lynch Spong as the national champion of best practices. I couldn’t be more proud of the successes we’ve achieved together, and I look forward to many more milestones to come.”
Spong founded Carmichael Lynch Spong in 1990 on three basic principles:
1) to represent a select and envied portfolio of big name-clients;
2) attract like-minded achievement addicts who desire to produce their career-best work; and
3) be the undisputed champion of best practices.
Twenty years later, the firm ranks among the top 30 PR firms in the U.S., and has grown from its headquarters in Minneapolis to include staff in New York, Chicago, Denver and San Francisco.
Spong and his staff have built a national reputation for producing creative, award-winning work for a select portfolio of clients, including American Standard, Calphalon, Cargill, Jack Link’s Beef Jerky, Sherwin-Williams, SUPERVALU and Trane, to name a few.
Over the years the firm has introduced America to Silk Soymilk, given Americans the confidence to flush and never look back with the launch of the American Standard Champion toilet and found friends for Maytag’s Ol’ Lonely Repairman.
Under Spong’s passionate leadership, the firm has consistently dominated the big three national public relations awards plus the firm’s regional awards programs. Carmichael Lynch Spong has won more than 300 awards for its clients, including 11 PRWeek Awards, 58 Silver Anvils and 38 Bronze Anvils. Recently, the firm was named an “Agency of the Year” by trade journal The Holmes Report, the third time in four years it was recognized as an “Agency of the Year.”
In April 2010 Julie Batliner was promoted to managing director of the firm, a move that was part of a planned succession following Spong’s added responsibility as president of parent agency Carmichael Lynch. Batliner continues to report to Spong, who now serves as president of the entire 200+ staff creative agency as part of a new leadership structure designed to foster collaboration across all disciplines—from advertising and public relations to digital communications and consumer engagement.
“Doug is an extraordinary leader and an iconic PR professional,” says Batliner. “He has been a great mentor, and I look forward to partnering with him to continue the outstanding success he has established since he founded Carmichael Lynch Spong 20 years ago.”
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Carmichael Lynch Spong, i, Job\, Minnesota, PR, PR Agency, Public Relations, Twin Cities
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Populat Front helps Hasbro’s Tonka Truck Design New Website

Popular Front’s VP of Creative, Jay Miller, said, “Creating the new Chuck & Friends website was a great experience for our team. We’re very proud of the work and are excited to showcase our design animation and interactive development expertise. Our six year relationship with Hasbro enabled us to closely collaborate with the Chuck & Friends team to create a successful, engaging site which will deliver results for Hasbro.”
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Advertising, Hasbro, i, Job\, Popular Front, Tonka Trucks
Social Media, Trivia and Networking Event - September 22, 2010
Socialize and slurp ice cream floats with a tweet-worthy twist while feeding your social media IQ. Drinks, adult floats & appetizers will be served.
The goal is to accelerate that collaboration which is why in partnership with the , PSB is hosting an evening with junior communications, public relations, advertising and marketing staffers on September 22nd. We anticipate an evening filled with sharing success stories and lessons learned about social media and discussing what such experiences mean for organizations now and in the future. And we'll do our best to make it a fun evening (did we mention there's social media trivia)?!
September 22, 2010
6:00PM – 8:30PM
Padilla Speer Beardsley, 3rd floor Atrium
Register no later than Sept. 20 at .
Space is limited. Learn more at .
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: i, Job\, Minnesota, Padilla Speer Beardsley, social media, Social Networking, Young Professional Communicators Twin Cities
Monday, September 13, 2010
Five Minutes with a Legend: Margaret Ann Hennen, APR, Fellow PRSA
, is Minnesota's newest inductee into PRSA's prestigious College of Fellows. She was inducted during a at PRSA's International Conference in San Diego last year.
1. What are the highlights of your public relations career?
Consistently bringing the voice of the consumer, whatever the industry, to an organization’s communications. Any organization often needs to make hard business decisions; how those decisions are communicated to stakeholders sets the organization apart. Being truthful and direct in sharing bad news, as well as good news, showing compassion and gratitude are all important. Too often, we forget one or more of those four elements and our reputation is diminished.
Earning accreditation and admission to the . Those were purely personal achievements – things I did for myself – but I believe they make me a better and more focused PR professional.
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Margaret Ann Hennen, APR, Fellow PRSA |
2. What are some of the key lessons that you have learned in your career?
Take what you do very seriously; don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh.
Writing and speaking clearly are essential to our profession; curiosity gives an added advantage.
Strong networks sustain you – in good times and bad. Build communities.
Don’t cut corners – the building is only as strong as the foundation – your reputation grows from that foundation.
Stay true to your core values and principles.
Give credit where credit is due.
If you make mistakes, it means you’re doing something. Admit your mistakes and learn from them. Learning from mistakes is really, really important.
3. You were a national board member for PRSA. How would you describe that experience?
National PRSA service has been and continues to be a great source of learning. Because of my years working nationally with PRSA, I have a wonderful network of PR professionals across the country. I have personal friends as well as professional colleagues who are just a phone call away. The people and the experience enrich my life – professionally and personally.
PRSA has been a part of my life since I began working at Sperry (now Unisys) in the mid-'80s. My colleagues were a sounding board when I needed a reality check or had a question. Serving locally and nationally was just payback. I want a strong organization for the next generation of professionals. Is PRSA perfect, of course not – because everything can benefit from continuous improvement. But if people only sit around and complain, nothing will change. We all have a responsibility to contribute to that continuous improvement. Corny as that may sound, that’s why I volunteered for four years on the board and why I continue to be active in PRSA and the College of Fellows.
4. What predictions do you have for the evolution of public relations?
As it did during the 20th century, public relations will change to reflect our society and our learning in the 21st century. No doubt, we’ll continue to find new channels of communication as technology expands. But those are only channels – ways to communicate. WHAT we communicate will always be critical and the strategy behind with WHOM and WHEN we communicate will always take precedence over HOW and WHERE we communicate. All must be carefully thought through.
Couple that with developing and nurturing relationships and you have the backbone of public relations and communications.
It’s easy to be seduced by the latest technology and the rush to be among the first to adopt a new gadget or gizmo. We’ve certainly seen that in the last decade. To be successful, you need a compelling message and a strategy for who, when, how and where. Without those core ingredients, you’ll just be contributing to the general “clutter” in the world – and we really don’t need any more of that.
So as much as public relations changes, those core elements – a good message, a clear strategy and strong relationships – remain consistent.
5. What advice would you give to new public relations practitioners?
Be curious. Explore. Be honest and ethical in your personal and professional lives. Learn to write. Develop a strong network and nurture it constantly. Listen more than you speak (God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason). Get active locally and with your PR colleagues.
6. Is there anything else that you would like to add?
We are fortunate to live in a community that has strong PR professionals. I have benefited from the relationships with my PR colleagues and mentors. John Beardsley’s death brings home just how important my PR friends have been and continue to be – and how much I’ve learned from them over the years.
Posted by Brant Skogrand Links to this post
Tags: Five Minutes with a Legend, i, Job\, Minnesota, Public Relations, Twin Cities
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 09, 2010
PRSA — Crisis Communications — Are You Ready? - Sept. 23, 2010
Chances are that every organization will experience some kind of a crisis. And when it happens, how you handle that crisis during and after the event will directly affect the company’s reputation and, ultimately, their bottom line, especially in today’s media and social media environment.
Minnesota PRSA's September Core Training session will feature two crisis communication experts to share how they have planned for and successfully navigated recent major local crises:
, senior partner at J Austin & Associates
He served for 10 years as the principal spokesperson for Northwest Airlines in all crises involving corporate operations and reputation, and draws from experience with more than 125 companies.
, director at Himle Horner.
She worked on the core communications team that guided public relations for the I-35W Bridge Project, and provided strategic counsel to the Twin Cities Hospitals during the 2010 contract negotiations with the Minnesota Nurses Association.
Take away best practices for the must-have elements in building your crisis communication plan and learn key lessons from the experts in this lively, engaging panel discussion and Q&A session.
Details & Registration:
Time: 7:30 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:00–9:00 a.m. Program
9:00-9:30 a.m. Networking
Location: University of St. Thomas (Minneapolis campus)
Opus Hall, Room 201
» Driving and parking information
Parking is available in a number of nearby ramps as well as parking meters.
Price: PRSA Member - $25
Nonmember - $35
Student - $15
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Crisis Communications, i, Job\, Minnesota, Minnesota Public Relations Society of America, MN PRSA, PR, PRSA, Public Relations, Twin Cities
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Exponent announces promotion of Dubsky and Scherping
Annie Dubsky Promoted to Counselor
has been promoted to the position of counselor. Dubsky offers strategic and creative guidance to clients in the agency’s growing food practice.
Exponent has experienced a remarkable period of client roster growth and increased industry recognition in 2010. Dubsky played a key role in new brand assignments from Muir Glen, Nature Valley, Fiber One and others.
Christine Scherping Promoted to Senior Associate
has been promoted to the position of senior associate. Scherping will continue to manage and execute campaign initiatives and offer strategic and creative judgment to consumer campaigns.
Scherping has been involved with many of Exponent’s high-profile assignments for clients such as the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) and General Mills. Locally, she recently spearheaded efforts to promote Share Our Strength’s Taste of the Nation HOTlist event.
“We’ve had the great fortune of attracting tremendous talent to Exponent and our team’s work is paying off in the outstanding results for our clients,” said Tom Lindell, managing director of Exponent. “We are so excited to build on these strong and inspiring foundations.”
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Exponent Public Relations, i, Job\, Minnesota, PR Agency, Promotion, Public Relations, Twin Cities
Exponent PR has hired Janney to boost its social media expertise
“Allison’s thoughtful and results-oriented approach to integrating new and traditional media is invaluable to our clients,” said Tom Lindell, managing director for Exponent PR. “It’s no wonder we first brought her on as an intern after her enthusiastic outreach to us on Twitter.”
Janney started at Exponent as an intern. Ad Age recently featured Janney’s first-person account of how she landed her Exponent internship through Twitter in a story titled “How to Find a Job on Twitter.”
Janney offers clients strategic thinking and flawless execution that uses her new media savvy and traditional media knowledge. Janney is involved in many of Exponent’s consumer brand accounts and helped launch the People for Bikes Campaign to unite 1 million bikers across the country. She led an interactive project using Squawq, a Twitter analytic tool, to monitor the World Cup. She’s also heavily involved in Exponent’s blogger relations practice.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Exponent Public Relations, i, Job\, Minnesota, New Hire, Public Relations, Twin Cities, Twitter
Monday, September 06, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
John Beardsley, Retired CEO of Padilla Speer Beardsley, Dies at 73
John Beardsley dies at 73 |
“One of our firm’s core values – Keep Learning – reflects John’s intense desire to understand the triggers that motivate action from customers, investors, employees and voters,” said Lynn Casey, Padilla Speer Beardsley’s current CEO and Beardsley’s successor. “His inspiration came from astonishingly diverse sources ranging from classic literature to pop culture to neuroscience. His most recent passion, social network theory, is at the root of the social media campaigns and word-of-mouth marketing programs that communications firms like ours are now creating for our clients.”
Professionalizing the public relations field was another of Beardsley’s interests. He presided over the Minnesota chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and became the Society’s national president in 1995. An early adopter of information technology, he is credited with putting PRSA on the Internet, giving members across the country ready access to tools for advancing the profession.
Beardsley is survived by Sharon, his wife of 50 years; daughters Elizabeth (Liz) Hlavac of Minnetonka (fiance Paul Sprain), Alison Mezzenga of Hopkins (fiance Ray Beasley) and Leslie Yetka of Minnetonka (husband Christopher); grandchildren Justin Mezzenga, Lauren Hlavac, and Benjamin and Katherine Yetka; siblings Doug Foster, Ross Foster, Deborah (Deb) Tinney and Sandra Barkman; and numerous cousins.
Plans for a memorial service are pending. In lieu of gifts or flowers, the family has requested donations be made to Washburn Center for Children, 2430 Nicollet Avenue South, .
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: i, Job\, John Beardsley, Minnesota, Padilla Speer Beardsley, PR, PR Agency, Twin Cities
Campbell Mithun Provides Pro Bono Advertising for Local United Way Campaign
“We wanted to capture the giving spirit of the Twin Cities community, but with a lighthearted approach appropriate for these economic times,” said executive creative director Reid Holmes. “These are fun, self-deprecating reminders that a donation to the United Way is easy and helps the community in very specific ways.”
Campbell Mithun developed versions of the creative for billboards, radio spots, online video and digital banners. Digital ads offer click-through-to-donate functionality, and donors can follow “” via Twitter for updates about local donations in action. Advertising placements were secured by Haworth Media and will run from the end of August into October.
This campaign marks the sixth year Campbell Mithun has provided pro bono work to support Greater Twin Cities United Way’s workplace campaign. Chaired this year by US Bancorp CEO Richard Davis, the 2010 effort aims to raise $87 million to address the most pressing needs in the Minneapolis / St. Paul metro area. In past years, the annual drive has secured donations from approximately 120,000 donors at 1,200 different workplaces.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Advertising, Campbell Mithun, i, Job\, Minnesota, Pro Bono, Twin Cities, United Way
IABC September Speed Networking Event Sept. 14th--- Registration now available!
Bring your friends and participate in a lively night of speed networking on Tuesday, Sept. 14 at Ciento Tequila Bar and Mexican Kitchen in Golden Valley, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Speed networking begins at 6 p.m. Parking is free, so get there early.
Whether you’re a newcomer looking for potential job opportunities or a seasoned professional wanting to stay on top of our ever-evolving industry, you’re sure to build connections here. You have the chance to speak with everyone at this popular event in five minute intervals, so be sure to bring plenty of business cards!
When Tuesday, September 14, 2010 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Ciento Tequila Bar and Mexican Kitchen
6440 Wayzata Blvd
Golden Valley, Minnesota 55426
Register here:
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Communications, i, IABC, Job\, Networking
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
OLSON Promotes duo to Group Media Directors
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Here is a picture of the two of them. |
Thompson came to OLSON in 2008 from Carmichael Lynch and before that, Martin Williams, and has led media efforts for OLSON clients including Northwestern Mutual, KraftMaid Cabinetry, Country Inns & Suites by Carlson and Discover Boating. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, Duluth, holds degrees in organizational management and marketing, and serves as alumni association marketing chair for the UMD Labovitz School of Business and Economics.
Lynch and Thompson and their department have been recognized with national awards including Effies and a Creative Media Award finalist for Creative Use of Newspaper. And, in an environment where “flat is the new up,” OLSON has been up, thanks in part to the work of these two and their group. In fact, media has experienced 1,600 percent in billings growth in the last five years.
“What makes these two great is that they’re the ultimate yin and yang, which means they’re perfect to serve together as media group directors,” says Kevin DiLorenzo, president and CEO, OLSON. “Stephanie and Steve balance each other with how they work, think and lead their team— and that’s important with the wide variety of programs we manage in our media department each day.”
Read the Twin Cities Business Journal article here.
Posted by Ryan May Links to this post
Tags: Advertising, i, Job\, Marketing, Minnesota, Olson, Promotion, Twin Cities
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