The Miami Herald reported yesterday that "the California recall - a combination of star vehicle, peep show and political game of chicken - has gotten unprecedented national TV coverage for a statewide election, receiving more airtime on the Big Three networks than the White House race."
Is it the celebrity power Gov. Arnold brings to the election process that is drawing the attention? Minnesotans are certainly familiar with that. Or is it the dogged fight between the democrats, republicans and the independents that is spurring emotions in all of us?
Whatever it is one thing is certain...advertisers are loving it. The New York Times reported this morning that the big candidates are raising bundles of money. The airwaves are congested with campaign commercials; some analysts predict that television advertising in the campaign's final stretch will easily top $15 million. And the Democratic and Republican party apparatuses are closing ranks around their front-runners.
Who do you think will win?