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Monday, April 09, 2012

Business Marketing Association - Monthly Meeting

Social Media monitoring and reporting presents a challenge for B2B companies as it’s often difficult to find actionable insights. As part of our focus on the top marketing trends, this presentation will provide a deep dive into social media data and how it has the potential to influence the way marketers learn and interact with their customers and markets. Rob Silas, CEO and Co-Founder of Numerical Truth, will share stories on how companies can turn unstructured data into actionable business intelligence for marketing, sales, innovation and customer service. 

Rob Silas is a digital marketing industry veteran who has been helping companies find success on the web for more than a decade. He specializes in online strategy, financial measurement of online success, social media analytics, and making sure clients get the most bang for the online buck. Prior to founding Numerical Truth, Rob was the President and COO of Ciceron, one of the leading digital marketing firms in the Twin Cities. 

Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Time: 7:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
8:00 - 9:15 a.m. Presentation

Metropolitan Ballroom


Cost: Members $24 / Guests $48
Register by: Friday, April 13, 2012
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A limited number of onsite registrations will be available
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