The panel discussion will feature Amy Nyquist, director of marketing and business development for
Best Buy for Business; Daniel Boone, executive director, integrated programs for Deluxe Corporation;
and Jason Elles, global brand manager for Imation. Chris Schermer, president of SCHERMER, will
moderate the discussion. Together the panelists will:
- Address marketing best practices used at Best Buy, Deluxe, Imation and a variety of other organizations
- Discuss market segmentation, and the value of specific methods in the marketing mix, such as e-mail marketing, portals and webinars
- Help marketing professionals evaluate whether they are effectively reaching out to the small businesses that are important to their success.
Registration and breakfast will begin at 7:30 a.m., followed by the presentation from 8 to 9 a.m.
The cost of the event is $30 for Business Marketing Association members and $45 for non-members. Attendees can register online at A limited number of walk-up registrations will be available.